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Faction reveal: the Vaulters

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11 years ago
Mar 7, 2014, 11:29:03 PM
The new game site for EL has all sorts of lovely and intriguing bits on the Vaulters. You can check it out for yourself here: http://g2g.amplitude-studios.com/Games/Endless-Legend/The-Vaulters

Among other background information, the faction traits appear to be as follows:

1. Advanced Science

2. Winter-hardened

3. Stronghold Strategy

4. Army Teleportation

I'd love to hear everyone's speculation as to what these abilities entail!

The reveal also details four units:

A. a hero named "Szabad"

B. the Dawn Officer

C. the Titan

D. the Marine

Based on a visual comparison between the Vaulters page and the screenie released last week, my assumptions are that these units look thus:

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11 years ago
Mar 8, 2014, 12:50:53 AM
So advanced science is probably just going to be a small science bonus because the vaulters had a minor science specialty in endless space.

Winter hardened is probably going to be allowing them to move armies more in winter, or focus less on farming in the winter.

Stronghold strategy is probably going to give them some big defense bonuses as they specialized in defense in endless space.

Army teleportation probably has to do with mini portals that can move armies like the portals they use in endless space.
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