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how to use quest rewards?

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11 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 4:58:31 PM
So if I have an army search a ruin, and receive an item as reward... how do I get and use it? I know I have received these rewards a couple of times, but I don't see where they are.

I know they go on a hero... but the army that did the discovery did not have a hero. Does that mean the reward is lost? Or can I somehow get that reward to a hero who is somewhere else, such as administering a city?

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11 years ago
Sep 22, 2014, 6:38:30 PM
The reward isn't lost. It's added to the pool of items your heroes can equip. To equip items, click on the hero's picture in either the academy (top left, ribbon icon) or city/army the hero is assigned to. The hero has a tab for the skill tree and a tab for equipment. In the equipment tab, double click or drop and drag the items you want to equip. It costs dust and/or strategic resources to equip items. You can only change a hero's equipment while the hero is in your territory or academy.
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11 years ago
Sep 24, 2014, 4:54:34 AM
If you've won a quest reward but don't see it, you probably just need to hit the 'missing resource' button underneath the item list.
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