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City District level question

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10 years ago
Sep 25, 2014, 9:45:19 AM
Probably a stupid question, but I haven't found a very clear, unambiguous answer.

So the level cap for city districts is 2 (except for Cultists, who are capped at 3). What I want to know is, do unupgraded districts start at level 1, or at level 0?

I've seen info referring to either, and with the cap in place, it seems like an important distinction between being able to level up your districts once or twice (or three times if you're the creepy guys with the creepy masks).

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10 years ago
Sep 25, 2014, 9:58:50 AM
Districts start with level 1, there is no level 0, AFAIK. You can only level each up once, to level 2. Except for the cultists.
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