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Is there any Music and Audio in the actual game

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10 years ago
Oct 4, 2014, 2:07:43 PM
I have just purchased this game. I was hoping someone could tell me two things

1. is there any form of audio voice or do you have to read the text in tutorial? I cannot see how I turn on the audio? Not to compare but in civilization your advisors speak the text rather than you having to read I am wondering if there is a similar feature in Endless Legend?

2. Is there any form of music as I hear the music when I choose a clan and it give provide a context as to the clans new mission but nothing in game play

Can anyone help?
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10 years ago
Oct 4, 2014, 2:23:41 PM
commandertremor wrote:
I have just purchased this game. I was hoping someone could tell me two things

1. is there any form of audio voice or do you have to read the text in tutorial? I cannot see how I turn on the audio? Not to compare but in civilization your advisors speak the text rather than you having to read I am wondering if there is a similar feature in Endless Legend?

Last time I've checked, yes, the tutorial must be *read*... I haven't seen any speech in audio, exception on each faction starting movie.

commandertremor wrote:

2. Is there any form of music as I hear the music when I choose a clan and it give provide a context as to the clans new mission but nothing in game play

Can anyone help?

I'm not sure I understand you about that. Yes, the game have ambient music. Are you sure you have it turned on on your audio preferences?
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