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Forgotten start bias

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9 years ago
Oct 2, 2015, 2:46:44 PM
Ok, I've been trying to get a win with the Forgotten and I keep having to False Start in the first 20 turns. I decided to take a break and played some other Factions instead and when I went back I realized something interesting. In nearly every single start with the Forgotten, I've started in a heavy Science area, usually at either the north or south part of the map. The few times I have not started in a Science centric region I found I was surrounded by science focused regions. I even tried setting it to Desert and ended up in a forest (yay!) surrounded by Science regions (boo!)

Is this just my horrible luck with anything related to RNG or has anyone else noticed this as well?

Or alternatively, how do you recover from a Science centric start with the Forgotten?
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9 years ago
Oct 2, 2015, 4:05:30 PM
Guytza wrote:
Or alternatively, how do you recover from a Science centric start with the Forgotten?

If you´re playing offline, find a continuous forest for your capital, a second region with dust on tiles for the Dust Transmutter and play a very tall build, at least until you conquer a well developed neighbor.

If you´re playing online, you just don´t. EL at its finest.
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9 years ago
Oct 2, 2015, 4:42:28 PM
BPrado wrote:
If you´re playing offline, find a continuous forest for your capital, a second region with dust on tiles for the Dust Transmutter and play a very tall build, at least until you conquer a well developed neighbor.

If you´re playing online, you just don´t. EL at its finest.

That's what I figured. Good to know I'm not losing my mind.

Now if I could just get a decent industry area next to a decent dust area without 2 science areas inbetween them (yeah, that happened last game) I might actually get someplace.....Or should I not be concerned with connecting the cities I build?

I don't think I've ever tried that.
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9 years ago
Oct 2, 2015, 5:02:31 PM
Settling a second city on a terrain that´s not ideal is not such a big problem. Even if the region has predominantly Science/Dust tiles (making it only dust for you), all you need is Husbadry Center and Canal Locks there, then your Dust Transmutter does the rest. You do want connected cities so you can make use of Imperial Highways asap, that´s what´s going to keep your dust income stable during era 2.
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9 years ago
Oct 5, 2015, 4:58:25 PM
BPrado wrote:
Settling a second city on a terrain that´s not ideal is not such a big problem. Even if the region has predominantly Science/Dust tiles (making it only dust for you), all you need is Husbadry Center and Canal Locks there, then your Dust Transmutter does the rest. You do want connected cities so you can make use of Imperial Highways asap, that´s what´s going to keep your dust income stable during era 2.

So thanks for the husbandry trick for the dust based city. I honestly had not even thought of utilizing it that way.

Ended up getting a hell of a start on a game started this weekend. Had to abandon the initial starting area (desert) but was able to find a nice forest region to the northwest. After getting that one up and running I returned to the starting area and set up a Dust city there, the food was terrible, but husbandry helped out immensely. In the process I ended up with 3 silic villages and 4 glasssteal extractors.

My closest neighbor ended up The Vaultors, so stealing tech has become commonplace, including stealing two T3 dust techs. Now I'm just trying to get them built in my cities to see what the result will be.

Again, thanks for the assist.
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