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Advanced help for someone who comes back to the game

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9 years ago
Dec 6, 2015, 12:51:41 AM
I hadn't played EL in quite some months, but with the very generous discount I wnt for Shadows and started playing agai. But I feel like I'm getting nowhere. In Civ V I cruise pretty much on King, but my first two atempts on normal with WW and the Forgotten went horribly, despite winning easily on normal before.

The problem is that I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong. I tend to use the same setup as before, although I could use hints on how to expand quicker. But for example by turn 100 my army situation as the forgotten was dreadfull, barely 30% of the other tow AI's I met (I play 4 empires on a normal map). Im not really sure how to rectify this, because almost all research goes into civic tech, and there ae barely enough strategic resources to fit out one unit, let alone an entire army. I felt lke I reached a stop, minor factions were becoming very rampant as well

Can anyone hand out some protips? I know the workings of the game, I just cant get a good result out of it, it seems. I havent found a good guide on this either
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9 years ago
Dec 6, 2015, 1:00:42 AM
Forgotten are tough. WW aren't. With WW, I'd recommend following the quest religiously, as it won't lead you astray, will lead to a rapid peaceful win, and will give you lots of good rewards.

Splitting your starting units to parley and explore ruins as fast as possible is a good source of early strats.

Strat units are pretty much compulsory, unless you are very, very good at levelling your units.

With WW, under Guardians, I'd probably go with a single city through fast turn 20 to grab the Sci2 empire plan and snag the megapole. If you lose the race, the dust's great for an early hero. Early settlers are okay, but I'd probably just use for units, strats, and base FIDSI, and salt the earth/resettle in rhythm with empire plans.

Leveling heroes, including ones you plan to use as governors, is more important than I used to realize. With a bit of careful military play, you can snag these levels pretty rapidly. Consider getting heroes to level 3 or 4 before installing as governors.
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9 years ago
Dec 6, 2015, 12:02:54 PM
Can you be more concrete? The splitting units is a good advice, but do you have a recommendation for building and tech order, and at which turns to settle (and how many cities. Even with this advice I> still struggle with strategic and dust shortages.
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9 years ago
Dec 7, 2015, 9:38:55 PM
Well, it depends.

Buildings/techs, T1: founders, language square, mill foundry, settler, seed storage, public library, strategic extractors, sewer system, empire mint will give you a good start.

Settle ASAP. If it's nearing an empire plan, settle with the intention of salting the earth before the empire plan. Then use boosters and resettle. It's rare that even an brand new city costs more than it provides.

How many cities? For that difficulty, I would think you'd need no more than four to pull off a wonder victory. Make some temporary cities in T3 or T4 to settle directly onto deposits to improve your collection rate.

Try moving down to a difficulty level you can win, then play repeatedly to improve the speed with which you win.
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9 years ago
Dec 7, 2015, 10:55:39 PM
I retried as the forgotten, and it went better, but only because I put strategics and anomalies on abundant. and 4 spead empires on a 4 empire map. I kinda feel dirty
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9 years ago
Dec 10, 2015, 11:09:33 PM
Get good governors. Governors like Ozek the Chosen (influence boost, as well as the Cultist racial tree which is excellent), Wayra Sigo (I think that was his name at least. That WW hero is excellent to kickstart colonies with his food and industry boosts), and John 'the Shadow' Port (great dust governor with a strategic resource boost to boot).

Also, if you are struggling with resources, try assimilating the Dorgeshi (for luxuries) and the Silics (for strategics) if possible. They are almost always a good pick, and decent units as well if you need a cav and tank.
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