Hey everyone,

The exciting news on Endless Legend will start to come regularly. smiley: smile Indeed, we'll start revealing some info on the factions and now, it's time for us to introduce you to the Vaulters.


It is a time of change for the Vaulters.

For countless generations they lived as loosely-federated clans in the vast underground labyrinths that riddle Auriga. Their skills in mining and crafting made them comfortable, and their study of ancient artefacts slowly unlocked the secrets of their world's past. Though their origins were lost in legends and myth, they had found peace and prosperity in the deep places of the planet.

Suddenly, now, the Vaulters have been forced to abandon those ancient halls. The Great Quake broke walls and ruined roads and bridges; as their towns crumbled around them they fled to the surface. Some turn for answers to the priests in the Church of the Great Orrery, others look to their leader, Szabad Ilona, First of the Bloodline. For a people deeply bound by tradition and unused to change, the surface of Auriga is a frightening place.

Torn between the secrets of the planet, their own traditions, and their need to survive, the Vaulters may struggle. But they will not fade, or surrender.



For the latest info on Endless Legend, keep an eye on:

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