
You might remember our previous Beer2Gether event that we took place in Paris, back in November 2012. In case you missed it, we are indeed holding a new one:

BEER2GETHER – Second edition, on May 24th

The event will take place in Paris again (sorry guys, but we are sure there’ll be plenty other events to meet-up with you)! This time, we would like to celebrate the expansion pack.

We will be welcoming our fans, to have a look at the WIP expansion pack, discuss with the dev team around a pint of beer (or two?!), share unique T-shirts made for the occasion, and other surprises!

To those who won’t be able to make it, worry not: we will make sure to take tons of pictures during the event and keep a few T-shirts (if we can!) for later giveaways.

Spread the word and SIGN UP for the event on FACEBOOK (or drop a comment below and let us know you want to participate)! smiley: stickouttongueower:

See you there! smiley: approval