
Tonight, we will release Endless Legend's Alpha on Steam Early Access, around 7pm CET: http://store.steampowered.com/app/289130.

First of all, I would like to congratulate the whole team: we have been on this project for more than a year and seeing it going live after all this time does feel frightening but also very exciting. We're surely not going to release the pressure and we will continue to take great attention to your precious feedback in order to make EL an awesome 4X. Here's our Alpha trailer: Dust to DUST. Hopefully, this will keep you waiting until the release (only a few hours to go!).

Secondly, we know that you're all dying to put your hands on the game at last, but we'd like to share more details with you first!

You will have two editions available: with a %25 discount for the Early Access in Alpha
  • The Classic Pack: around $27 (release price: $35)
  • The Founder Pack: around $34 (release price: $45)

PC only at the moment (Mac version is planned - we'll let you know)

Classic Pack
  • Endless Legend game: instant access to the Alpha version and all versions including the release.
  • Official Digital Soundtrack (available at release): all Endless Legend tracks created by FlybyNo in mp3 format.
  • "Endless Legend" Community Badge: Adds a unique badge to your Amplitude account and 500 G2G to the value of your votes on our website.

Founder Pack
  • Endless Legend game: instant access to the Alpha version and all versions including the release.
  • In-game Minor Faction: Ice Wargs (available at release): adds the Ice Wargs to the minor faction cast of the game.
  • In-game Drakken Hero: Namkang (available at release): adds Namkang to the hero cast of the game.
  • In-game Unique Faction Trait (available at release): a Unique Trait for your Custom Factions. The final Faction Trait will be chosen by the community via a G2G Vote.
  • Official Digital Soundtrack (available at release): all Endless Legend tracks created by FlybyNo in mp3 format.
  • A new Ship Pack for Dungeon of the Endless (available at release): the Refreezerator ship pack includes a ship, a module and an exclusive item.
  • A new Drakken Hero for Dungeon of the Endless (available at release): adds Kreyang to the hero cast of the game.
  • A -50% Steam Coupon for Endless Space: adds a Steam Coupon in your Inventory.
  • A -50% Steam Coupon for Endless Space Disharmony: adds a Steam Coupon in your Inventory.
  • "Endless Legend" Community Badge: adds a unique badge to your Amplitude account and 500 G2G to the value of your votes on our website.
  • "EL Founder" Community Badge: adds a unique badge to your Amplitude account and 500 G2G to the value of your votes on our website.

Steam Store Page: Endless Legend