Hey guys,

We have been releasing two branch updates for Endless Legend for now and thought you might be interested in a few words from on on what's been implemented, but especially regarding the community suggestions.

Indeed, since the launch of the Alpha of Endless Legend on Steam, we have listed in this smiley: g2g thread most of the community suggestions that have been made by all of you and gave them a status.

The rating looks like this basically: smiley: biggrin --> smiley: smile --> :l --> smiley: sad (in a slightly more elaborated way of course!).

Anyway, we know that the updates have been rather slow lately (for reasons explained here) but we wanted to thank you for the improvements you have suggested, since the release. You'll be happy to know that some have already been implemented (before [0.5.6]) and those are still on-going.

GUI / Controls

Give the possibility to reconsider the choice of the Vaulters holy resource [FromThread] We will work on the holy resource system again DONE
Always display the Dust production per turn in the banner [FromThread] DONE

Battle / Siege

Give the possibility to reconsider the choice of the Vaulters holy resourcee [FromThread] We will work on the holy resource system again DONE
Stats of units at each phase of battle [FromThread] DONE
Show unit range by hovering (move or shot) [FromThread] It will be not exactly when you hover above a unit but when you select it. DONE
One move one turn [FromThread] Will be a game option DONE
Militia ready to defend the city [FromThread] DONE
Spells/Special actions [FromThread] At least a faction will have these possibilities DONE
Improve army deployment screen with info on turn queue/stats [FromThread] DONE
Flanking bonus for melee and counter attack dealt % of dmg/stats [FromThread] Moral feature and other bonuses are implemented DONE
Reinforcement points stop producing units after a certain tide has turned in the battle At least we will give choice of which units go into reinforcement forces DONE
Hero cannot travel/fight alone Hero will be able to travel and fight alone DONE
Siege option has no advantage over a direct attack [FromThread] We need to improve the siege mechanic ON-GOING
Icons on units with malus due to capacity [FromThread] ON-GOING

City / Expansion

Copy ES disapproval system [FromThread] We have reworked on the system and also add an ownership feature DONE
Keeping units in the garrison should be cheaper than in the field [FromThread] We still have to improved the feedback on upkeep (should be next to garrison info) DONE
Allow us to garrison in a city we're standing on [FromThread] In fact this is a bug and should be allowed DONE
Output from “dead” tiles [FromThread] Villages and ruins will at least give FIDSI DONE
More ways to uncover the map [FromThread] Some treaty to exchange map visibility will be added DONE
Add a technology that allows you to rebuild the ruins We should give possibility to exploit FIDSI on ruins but not built something new for now DONE

Quest / Exploration

Make the tile with harbour special, so only through that tile can they turn into a boat [FromThread] We are making the tile harbor special because it does not cost movement points to go at sea from there, but we can't allow to force going through the tile to get on a boat. Too many issues in consequence. DONE
Coming back to initial village to complete quest is not fun [FromThread] DONE

Unit design / Hero

In the current alpha/beta state of the game the units are dying too quickly [FromThread] . STARTED
More gameplay difference between the equipment pieces [FromThread] ON-GOING
When you have glassteel, the titanium is useless [FromThread] We will work on improving differences ON-GOING


Add a windowed borderless option [FromThread] Option should already exist via steam > -popupwindow at launch AVAILABLE
Whole market place system is weird [FromThread] The price should be increasing with every unit DONE
Not loose tech progression when changing tech [FromThread] STARTED

The full document is available here.

Keep in mind that you can keep suggesting ideas, but for production reasons, we may or may not have the time to implement all the additions that you have suggested, but we will do our best!

Thank you,
smiley: amplitude