Hi everyone,

As for the 0.5.3 version, we are releasing a new build with the Beta branch feature that Steam offers:

  • 32-bit: The 32-bit version of 0.4.8 for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version.
  • beta-test: The new 0.5.6 version for 32 and 64-bit users.
  • beta-test(32-bit): The new 0.5.6 version for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version.

If you're already playing with the 0.5.3, the update should be automatic. Otherwise, to access these 0.5.6 versions, you will need to:

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select Properties
  • Select the Beta tab
  • Select the version you would like to play in the drop-down list:
    • 32-bit: 0.4.8 for 32-bit
    • beta-test: 0.5.6
    • beta-test(32-bit): 0.5.6 for 64-bit users having issues with the 64-bit version
  • If you would like to get back to the regular 0.4.8 version, simply select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs

Our QA team approved the current build but we are aware that you might still encounter issues. If that is the case, please report them on the Endless Legend Technical Support section with a clear title:

How to help us to fix a bug?

If you encounter an issue that is not in the list below, please send us a Dropbox link (or equivalent) or zip and attach your files to your post (how to) with:

  • Issue - Describe your issue: it's simple and it helps us understanding what you want us to fix
  • Version - What is the game version? You can find this out in the game menu, at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Output_log.txt - [Steaminstalldir]/Steamapps/Common/Endless Legend/EndlessLegend_Data/output_log.txt
  • Diagnostics.html - [Documentsdir]/Endless Legend/Temporary Files/Diagnostics*.html
  • Game save - You can find it here: [Documentsdir]/Endless Legend/Save Files/*.zip
  • Screenshots - By default on Steam, you need to press F12 to take a screenshot. Once you exit the game, you will find the screenshot manager window, press on "Show on disk" and grab the pictures you find relevant



  • Added several missing category icons to the technologies.
  • Added the counter proposal option to the diplomatic notification.
  • Added the City ownership.
  • Added a balanced automated governor option.
  • Added Militia icons.
  • Added Ardent Mages ship.
  • Added sounds to the ships.
  • Reduced Militia per City (1 instead of 2, +1 for Main City).
  • Reduced cost of 2nd and 3rd assimilation.
  • Added +1 Influence on Boroughs.
  • Reduced the Approval Bonus from the Necrophage Sacrifice (30 instead of 40).
  • Added effects to the Broken Lords "Dust Crematorium": it now gives 100% of a battle XP reward as additional Dust bonus.
  • Removed Vaulter 3rd starting unit, but added new trait (+1 Resource per extractor).
  • Improved the exploration behavior of the AI empires.


  • Fixed an issue where the game remains stuck when loading a session.
  • Fixed an issue where the game crashes when starting an automatic battle or during manual targeting phase.
  • Fixed an issue where a session remains stuck during turn computing.
  • Fixed an issue where percentage bonuses from equipment techs are not applied correctly.



  • Fixed an issue where the fifth chapter of the Broken Lords questline cannot be completed if the objective city is razed.
  • Fixed an issue where Chapter 8 Broken Lords "Altar of channeling" has no effects and cost.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vaulters's Chapter 4 step 1 faction quest can't be completed if the target city has been razed resulting in a situation where the main quest line cannot be completed.
  • Fixed an issue where if the targeted village is destroyed, the user cannot interact with it during Vaulters Chapter 5 quest by right clicking on it.


  • Fixed an issue where the "Gratify" Treaty does not modify the relationship score of the sender.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Warning" Treaty does not modify the relationship score of the sender.
  • Fixed an issue where stockpiles cannot be traded through diplomacy.
  • Fixed an issue where "Map exchange" treaty and "Vision and Map Exchange" do not reveal the discovered terrain.
  • Fixed an issue where besieged cities will not have the siege removed whenever accepting a truce proposal.


  • Fixed an issue where canceling a research will reset its progress.
  • Fixed an issue where the research screen does not properly update when a queued technology is received from a quest.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Givers of remembrance" Necrophage technology changes its icon on mouse over.


  • Fixed an issue where the garrison unit count can exceed the maximum capacity when building faction units.
  • Fixed an issue where the garrison unit count can exceed the maximum capacity when building assimilated units.
  • Fixed an issue where Militia units are not respawned in conquered cities.
  • Fixed an issue where buying out 4 constructions when there are more queued, will display all the constructions as bought out.
  • Fixed an issue where the approval is not properly updated after the wine booster expires.
  • Fixed an issue where the settler buyout cost will increase every time the game is loaded.


  • Fixed an issue where roads are not showed on the map after moving a city that was connected to another one which had just pathways.
  • Fixed an issue where sections of roads built across rivers are not connected in a natural way with the rest.


  • Fixed an issue where the attacker's and the attacked unit's tooltips are not always displayed during manual combat.
  • Fixed an issue where the auto combat results are inconsistent with the results of a manual combat with default deployment and targets.
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes assigned as governors in cities without garrison do not participate in combat if the city is attacked.
  • Fixed an issue where the battle area is not displayed whenever hovering the cursor across a hostile minor faction village.
  • Fixed an issue where the battle area is not displayed whenever hovering the cursor across an AI city.
  • Fixed an issue where the Block Capacity does not function when the unit's strategy is defensive.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Block" battle capacity is not functional for moving units.
  • Fixed an issue where Ateshi Zealot displays a wrong capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where Vaulters units and heroes display a wrong capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where Telsem Warlock tooltip displays a wrong capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where the Feebleness capacity does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dredge Exhaustion capacity does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where the Halt capacity does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where Dekari rangers don't take damage from Ended units.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ended units from the Haunts minor faction do not deal damage or attack during manual battles.
  • Fixed an issue where Broken Lords militia have the "can be healed with dust" capacity although they cannot be selected.
  • Fixed an issue where garrisoned units or armies located on city tiles do not join as reinforcements whenever a besieging army is attacked.
  • Fixed an issue where roaming armies attack Privateer armies.


  • Fixed an issue where the remaining duration of the Necrophages Sacrifice approval bonus is not displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes governing a besieged city do not gain more experience during the siege.
  • Fixed an issue where units on city tiles do not receive damage during a siege.
  • Fixed an issue where minor villages can be constructed during a siege.
  • Fixed an issue where borough streets and City centers do not extract Glassteel during a siege.
  • Fixed an issue where regional buildings 3D map construction icons appear on the map during a siege.
  • Fixed an issue where the besieged user is not informed about the siege effects .
  • Fixed an issue where the damage dealt to garrisoned units does not increase in a prolonged siege.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Tunnel Rat" hero skill is not functional.
  • Fixed an issue where the booster from the grassilk luxury resource does not increase the city's defense cap.


  • Fixed an issue where cancelling the changes made to activate the big screen user interface causes the title to crash to desktop.
  • Fixed an issue where image becomes distorted whenever switching to 4:3 resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue where a graphical corruption appears when zooming out over a borough street built on a deposit.
  • Fixed an issue where a graphical corruption appears when zooming out over a city center built on a deposit or fundation.
  • Fixed an issue where the adventure map camera changes position and zoom-level when using the mouse-wheel in the pause menu.
  • Fixed an issue where switching between resolutions of the same aspect ratio causes the image to become distorted during gameplay.
  • Fixed issues with the advanced animation system.


  • Fixed an issue where one of the sound banks is not played.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ambiance Volume slider from the in-game menu has no functionality.


  • Fixed an issue where a session desyncs after a user eliminates an AI player.
  • Fixed an issue where the lobby chat does not automatically scroll to the last line when someone sends a message.
  • Fixed an issue where the lobby chat is not refreshed when joining or creating a new lobby.
  • Fixed an issue where the user has acces to the chatbox while not in a session.
  • Fixed an issue where the chat becomes disabled if the Enter key is pressed anywhere in the main menu.
  • Fixed an issue where "Historical Society" tech does not function in multiplayer sessions.
  • Fixed an issue where the function that releases the encounter (server side) was not called during auto battles.


  • Fixed an issue where the automated governors do not construct buildings after saving and loading the session.
  • Fixed an issue where there is no AI ocean travel behavior.
  • Fixed an issue where modifiers are not applied because of mismatched names between rule and modifiers.


  • Fixed an issue where the Strategic resource tooltips do not display the booster effects for the Vaulters.
  • Fixed an issue where no timer is displayed in the "empire bonuses" for the vaulter strategic resource active boosters.
  • Fixed an issue where bought out constructions are not completed if other constructions are placed in front of them in the queue.
  • Fixed an issue where score screen title exceeds its designated field when leaving a session.
  • Fixed an issue where tile tooltips do not inform users if roads or paths have been built on them.
  • Fixed several issues in the texts.