Hey guys,

We're going on weekend and Monday is a bank holiday, but here's for you a new hero you will get to hire next week in our new add-on for Endless Space: Disharmony "The Search for Auriga".


"A true Zolya." Tulela had first heard that phrase used in reference to her during a planetary hunting expedition at age ten, when she had used her mother's rifle to kill a sabertooth that was prowling around the carcasses they had skinned and hung. Another in that famous dynasty of orange-haired, fearless adventurers, Tulela rose to leadership of her clan at twenty-six and successfully marshalled the survivors when the pirates of the ABC burned them out of their haven. Seeking another home, she took the decision to restore her family to Auriga when her family's combat medic and problem solver, Opbot, figured out its probable galactic coordinates. Independent, canny, and fearless, it is said that Tulela has far more friends than enemies -- because the enemies don't survive very long.


  • Labour: 0
  • Wit: 3
  • Melee: 2
  • Offence: 4
  • Defence: 6

Have a very nice weekend. smiley: approval