Hi everyone,

In case some of you did not know (how could you miss it?!), there has been a fascinating movement on our forums to point out the Sowers’ weaknesses. Well, we would like to inform you that we did take a moment to reply to your S.O.S call regarding the faction, as we have been agreeably surprised by the dedication of our community members to point out the issue through various means.

Please, take a look at these links for more information on the community’s “Save the Sowers” movement:

  • A Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elW5mnv1hF0
  • An official group: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/group.php?groupid=189
  • A "Save the Sowers" petition: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?16671-Official-letter-to-the-Devs-Saving-the-Sowers
  • [/LIST]

    We would like to let you know that we are aware that these poor Sowers need a little buff to be able to compete with the other factions. As you know, we are working on the expansion pack and, besides taking us a lot of time, we couldn’t release an update with a work that is still in progress!

    That is why we thought about working on a mod, so you can give us some feedback on the improvements that we made. Our awesome VIPs already got to try a few of these changes, and did bring us some interesting feedback. But as everything isn’t set in stone, we are of course always open to the discussion.

    How to play the mod

    • Downloadable here: SAVE THE SOWERS
    • To install: create a “Modding” folder in “My Documents/Endless Space/Modding
    • Place the downloaded mod into the new created “Modding” folder
