Hi everyone,

So many announcements! I hope you are not too lost, but here is a little sum-up on what happened already and what is coming in our 4th add-on:

Automaton ship design competition

Our concept artist, 0Ray posted his redesign of the Automaton ship design competition: Vahouth, Digitalhawk96 and Panzer's submissions. Check out this thread.

Game design documents

We published new game design documents:

Feel free to discuss with us! We don't necessarily reply to everything, but we do read your comments.

Add-on 4's new random events

We implemented the winners of the random events competitions, including KingJohnVI's escalating events!

The New Religion, by KingJohnVI

The Mad Scientist, by KingJohnVI

Sleeping War Machines, by Codename_Veers

Endless Facility

Monday is the big day! Have a nice weekend until then! smiley: smile