Hello everyone!

The release is getting closer... And of course, we need your opinion in order to balance Endless Legend as much as possible! Indeed, we have put together several threads to collect your feedback: a survey, a thread where you can drop your saves, and a Google doc where you will be able to suggest your own ideas for the balancing.

Here they are:
  • A quick Survey (12 questions => 12 mouse clicks) [HERE]
  • The Save files in order to get data: [HERE]
  • And for the most motivated players, descriptions about what they think about the balance of the races: [HERE]

Thanks a lot for your help!

Also, as you already know, we are trying to host multiplayer games once a week to try out the changes we've made. If we manage to release a new public build, we'll try to organise one so stay tuned!

smiley: amplitude