Hey guys and gals!

Time for a new G2G vote! Last time, we asked you to decide the Gameplay Bonus of the community Minor Faction in Endless Space 2. By a landslide, the winning option was Relic Peddlers!

Their roots seem to be radars for all that is unusual and foreign in the soil.
As a result, this faction has an uncanny skill not only in unearthing relics,
but in driving a hard bargain and profiting from them.

The faction gets a bonus to Dust production.

We'll now take all of these ingredients, mix them up with our secret Amplitude sauce, and offer you the choice between three visions of your choices. Then, you guys will have the final say in which version of the Minor Faction makes it in... but for now, a different kind of vote!


What if we told you... maybe one of the Heroes from Dungeon of the Endless managed to escape? ... maybe one of the Heroes survived all these years, and them or one of their great-great-grandchildren sneaked their way into the events of Endless Space 2?


Which one will make it?

That's it for now!