Hey guys and gals!

Today, we're starting a brand new series of votes, this time giving you the opportunity of writing Endless Space 2 history.

How is that, you may ask? Well, pretty simply, we want to offer you a chance of using your unbridled creativity and leave your mark on the game. This means that we're starting a creation contest, kind of like the ones we've already had in Dungeon of the Endless (Rosetta hero, the bio-organic spaceship), Endless Legend (the Cultists faction), Endless Space (the Automatons faction). This time, it's a random event.

What are these events? Random events are events that happen without prerequisites (prerequisites are things like "having explored X", or "having a hero on your fleet", or "being at war with another empire"). If you have played Endless Space, you'll remember the "Space plague" event of sinister fame. That's kind of what we're looking for, although, hopefully for everyone, something a little less painful this time.

Your event proposal must have:
Events can affect: a fleet, a planet, a star system, an Empire (either all its star systems or its other data like its treasury or its fleets), or the galaxy.

Below are two examples to give you an idea: you'll find the event title, followed by its description, and its effect(s).

Military Militants
"A thread of discontent has been growing in the population, as some voters believe the galaxy is even more dangerous than it appears. You are under pressure to turn your policies and investments to more military uses."
Militarist Ideology: Increases Militarist political ideology on a system

"A strange new music form, “neutranceo”, has taken the entire galaxy by storm. Hijacking the quantum effects of neutrinos to subliminally drop the quantum bass, impromptu neutranceo raves are causing spontaneous outbreaks of joy in the streets – while nothing much happens in the offices and factories."
Raving Mad: -10% and on Empire, +30 Approval on Empire, for 10 turns

  • A name (50 characters max)
  • A description (250 characters max).
  • A title for the effect (50 characters max)
  • A description for the effect, with a duration for the effect if applicable (instant, or X turns) (only add negative effects if they come with a positive effect, or if they aren't too harsh!)

  • You are limited to three submissions. Please also note that we will only accept submissions posted in English.
  • Keep your submissions in one post only (you can edit it until the deadline).
  • Do not give several choices. This event will have only one outcome (the effect).
  • Keep the event Empire-agnostic, that is to say, it should make sense and be possible for all factions.
  • Keep it simple. If what you have in mind is a convoluted quest with great narration, perhaps it is best you keep your idea for some other time.

Submit your ideas before April 22nd. We’ll be closing the thread at midday (CEST). We will then put all submissions that meet the required criteria to a multi-entry vote (where you can support several ideas), from which the three most popular will be selected for the G2G vote.

The lucky winner will receive the following:

  • Your name in the game credits.
  • An Endless Space 2 t-shirt that will be the envy of your friends.
  • Two copies of the game when it comes to Early Access, for you and a friend!

It's our first Endless Space 2 creation contest so we're starting simple for now; we do plan on holding more contests of all kinds in the future (game design, lore, and maybe art as well!), so you all get a chance to participate!

Please note that Amplitude reserves the right to modify the 3 proposals and will work with the winners to finalize the design and adapt it to development constraints. Jeff, our Narrative director, will work on the descriptions in particular to make sure they fit within the game.

Good luck to everyone!