Hey guys and gals!

Time to conclude our G2G vote series! Last time, we asked you to decide which of three Heroes from Dungeon of the Endless was joining the cast of Endless Space 2 (one way or the other). Perhaps unsurprisingly, the winner of the vote was none other than OPBOT DV8!


You've been waiting for it, now is the time: decide for the final drafts of the minor faction you've been creating through your choices over the last few weeks. Time to make a choice!

The small, dragon-like animals known as the Eyder were originally the genetically-engineered pets of an advanced spacefaring race that died from a ravaging plague. Left to their own devices in now-empty residences high above the surface of a gas planet, they multiplied and evolved into a society based on the ownership of Endless relics, as the number of these artifacts correlated closely with the ownership of better amenities and living quarters on the floating stations. Exposure to these Dust-laden relics expanded their consciousness, giving them control of a vast fleet of ships designated for beings much bigger than themselves. The Ushuu started as toys and servitors of the Concrete Endless. Originally intended as simple drones for surveillance, amusement, and delivery, over time their sensory and analytical apparatus improved to the point where they were doing maintenance, child-rearing, and search & rescue. The Endless improved them by adding photosynthetic bacteria on the sunward side, and that plus solar energy and sophisticated neural networks permitted them to evolve and self-improve into autonomous, reasoning systems. By the time this particular planet faded into obscurity as the over-coddled Endless were incapable of taking any individual action, the Ushuu had developed hierarchies, built factories, and ultimately continued their evolution into space flight thanks to their continual exposure to Dust. Nevertheless, they still pay respects to their former masters by assiduously collecting their relics. The Hraman were originally a colony ship from a minor space-faring race. More optimistic than they were technically adept, the colony ship ran out of fuel on a sub-optimal trajectory and their voyage ended up taking a few extra centuries. In order to survive in this ship-turned-prison, they first bio-engineered advanced plants in order to provide sustainable energy, but were eventually forced to augment their skin with large patches of photosynthesis-capable cells. As they have been adapted to zero-G existence for a very long time and are most comfortable when drifting, even when they are planetside they prefer some form of jetpack or anti-gravity system.

I personally like one of these a lot more than the others, but what about you?