Hey guys and gals!

Today, we're starting the voting part in our first Endless Space 2 event creation contest! Rejoice!

We've asked those of you interested in making Endless Space 2 history to propose new events and the response was astounding! Honestly now, we've had to read through more than 200 submissions and select all the ones that fit the criteria before being able to put them into this poll. That's a lot of work, so a big hand of applause to our game designer quaedam for helping out with that.

A significant number of submissions were not selected. While we won't go over specifics for which, the reasons were usually one of the following three: doesn't fit criteria, too punishing without upside, or not possible with the game's systems. Many of the ideas however would make for interesting quest lines, so if your favorite idea wasn't kept, keep it somewhere and maybe you'll get to give it another shot later.


First off, click here!

Then simply select all the options in the vote that you like. At the end of the vote, we will take the three most popular submissions and put them up to a traditional G2G vote on the website, after touching up the lore with our Narrative director and balancing the effects if necessary. That's a lot of options to browse and we know that, so it's okay if you don't read it all! Just voting for a few that you like is okay too.


The vote will run until May 3rd, so as to give everyone a chance to vote.

That's all! Thanks for participating!