Hey guys and gals!

Summer is in full swing in Paris and at Amplitude, after a pretty eventful week, we're packing up for a short break! The studio will be closed for a week as we try and take in as much sun as possible, before diving right back in on the week of the 18th to carry on work on Endless Space 2 and Endless Legend!

While we're out, we've left you guys with a mission: vote for your favorite quests in the Quest Creation Contest! The top 3 will be featured in our next G2G vote, and will be included in the game! 

The lucky winner will receive the following:

  • Your name in the game credits.
  • An Endless Space 2 t-shirt that will be the envy of your friends.
  • Two copies of the game when it comes to Early Access, for you and a friend! 

To vote, simply head on over to the new contest category, check out the submissions, and vote for the ones you like to add your points to their total!

How does the voting work? Simple, it uses the voter's (and author's) G2G points as value for the vote. G2G points increase if you have unlocked G2G badges via you activity on the website or by acquiring our games or their add-ons, etc. To unlock the (substantial) amount of points tied to your games and achievements, link your Steam account to your forum account, from your profile (if you encounter issues trying to connect your profile and Steam account, don't fret, if the issues persist when we come back we'll allow for an extra voting period to make up for the delay).

That's it! Now, get voting, and for those of you lucky enough to go where the sun shines next week, apply sunscreen and stay hydrated.

The Amplicrew, over & out