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8 years ago Jul 20,2016, 16:30:00 PM

Endless Space 2 Quest Creation Contest: Voting time!

1 075 Views

Hey guys and gals!

The time has come to decide which of the three most popular quests selected over this week will make it into the game! It was our first time using the new G2G platform to get a vote going, we hope you found it easier to use!

Since the quest submissions are massive compared to the usual amount of text we had in here, we're simply linking to the submissions themselves along with the first step of the quest. Take a look, check out the links and vote for your favorite!

Mysterious plague ship, by electronben
Songs from the Startree, by demonerderius
Light in the dark, by Celeir
Your scientists have detected a heavily-damaged ship of unknown design entering your home system. The ship is unresponsive to hails, however sensors have detected that it will self-destruct soon! Scanning the ship, you discover that not only are there inhabitants in stasis who have been infected by a deadly plague, but also a dense computer core containing untold secrets. There is only time to save one of them before the ship explodes!
A wonderful ship-tree with unknown technology shielding was engulfed in flames and destroyed at the border of your empire. Miraculously, people of this ship survived, and declared an important mission related with a pilgrimage to your capital. At the same time you found out about an unknown monster, carousing in the heart of your empire. All factions in the Senate have their own views about solution to this problem, but you decide that it is better to take advantage of this incredible coincidence.
When your fleet is approaching planet X, the commander notices unusual light activity on the planet's surface. It can be described as the glow of a vast city, but the planet isn't inhabited. Secondly, the fleet's sensors can't capture images of this ocean of light at all; so far it can be observed with the naked eye only. Whatever emits so much light that can be seen even from space, knowing its nature could be useful for us in the future.

The lucky winner will receive the following:

  • Your name in the game credits.
  • An Endless Space 2 t-shirt that will be the envy of your friends.
  • Two copies of the game when it comes to Early Access, for you and a friend! 

That's it! 

Vote here: Games2Gether

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8 years ago
Aug 1, 2016, 3:36:59 PM

In this new format, I am not seeing these updated. Nor are they updated on tweeter. Might want to look in to that.

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8 years ago
Aug 5, 2016, 12:29:29 PM

This is the attached blog post, the votes only update on the vote page itself. Is this what you were wondering? :)

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