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8 years ago Aug 11,2016, 13:06:00 PM

Faction Creation Contest: Phase 1 starts now!

2 319 Views

Hey guys and gals!

This announcement has been a long time coming. Starting in 2012 with the first Games2Gether  contest that brought the Automatons to Endless Space, and subsequently the Cultists of the Eternal End to Endless Legend, our community faction creation contests have always been extravagant displays of imagination. 

We're happy to bring this contest back for Endless Space 2! This faction's theme is Pacifist diplomats!

Now that we've got your attention, the contest will be split in three phases. The phases will work this way:

Phase 1: Game Design 
Gameplay & biography 
What is the faction affinity that makes this Pacifist diplomatic faction unique to play?  
- Cravers eat up Minor Factions, consume planets and can never be at peace, Sophons are crazy explorers and get a huge science bonus if they're the first to research a technology. How is yours different? 
What is the story behind this faction? 
- Give us, in 200 words or less, a description of the faction. How did they get to that point? What's their society like? What's its goal?

Phase 2: Visual Design 
Hero & Ship visuals 
What do the leaders of the faction look like? 
- Now that we have the basics down, let's focus on appearances. Heroes are our main visual cue on the population's appearance. What do they look like?
What do their ships look like? 
- You can offer either one or several visual concepts, or even doodles with a bunch of reference pictures. Try new things, impress us!

Phase 3: Narrative Design 

What is life like in this faction? Who are the people who inhabit it? 
-  Write a short story (500 words or less) showcasing one or more of the heroes, and setting up or referencing the faction quest. Inspiration will be drawn from the winning story for hero biographies and the faction-related quest.

Finalists for each phase will be selected by the community in a popular vote among all receivable entries, with the top three entering a final vote on our new voting platform.

We reserve the right to alter submissions or work with their author to fit our design and specifications. Full rules for the contest [ES2_Faction_Creation_Contest_Rules.pdf]. 


The winners of each phase will receive the following:

  • Their names in the game credits for ultimate bragging rights.
  • An Endless Space 2 t-shirt. "What's that?" people will say. "Just a game I helped create", you'll reply.
  • An exclusive badge showcasing your achievements.
  • Two copies of the game when it hits Early Access, for you and a friend!
  • A trip to Paris to visit the studio and meet the team!

We're starting straightaway with Phase 1, Gameplay & Bio. Head over to this post in our Contests section to find out more about the specific rules of this phase, and other advice. The deadline for this step of Phase 1 is two weeks from now, Thursday 25th, 6pm CEST. You can already start voting for your favorite submissions, and the three finalists for the vote will be the three most popular receivable submissions. Make sure you get your submission in before that!

Get your thinking caps on, and have fun!

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 2:50:36 PM

Woah! This is an amazing contest!

Thanks Devs for providing the opportunity -- good luck to everyone that enters!!

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 6:54:20 PM

Omg its happening after all those years I waited

 I thought u would do this when the aplha would be out so we could lern the mechanics but


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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 9:07:07 PM

Good luck everyone!

I´m really curious about the finale result.

Sovereign wrote:

 I thought u would do this when the aplha would be out so we could lern the mechanics but


Yeah, I thought so too, I find it quite hard to come up with an faction affinity without seeing some mechanics first.

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8 years ago
Aug 11, 2016, 10:24:36 PM

Would it be bad if I simply place the Drakken in that competition? They are my all time favorite in Endless Legend, and it would be a huge shame it they somehow didn't make it into ES2. I really hope they're planned to be in the game ;-;

Oh and the Allayi as well!

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8 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 1:36:38 AM

So psyched to see the great tradition that makes Amplitude stand out in action. To all that participate I can only wish them the best of luck and I hope to play your faction in the foreseeable future.

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8 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 10:04:59 AM

A simple question about the rewards : for those who live near Paris (like me), the "trip" you offer would be a waste (however meeting the Amplicrew would be a great experience). Could it be possible to offer it to someone else (maybe the second of the contest) ?

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8 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 2:05:38 AM

*Crack fingers* Time to put on the old thinking hat. Im absolutely going to enter this with something.

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8 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 9:49:28 AM
Hinin wrote:

A simple question about the rewards : for those who live near Paris (like me), the "trip" you offer would be a waste (however meeting the Amplicrew would be a great experience). Could it be possible to offer it to someone else (maybe the second of the contest) ?

This contest being a Very Serious One With The Rules In A Separate Document, we can't split prizes. See for instance the provision that allows one player to win all three parts of the contest, thus being the sole winner of the trip & other prizes.

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8 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 1:30:13 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

This contest being a Very Serious One With The Rules In A Separate Document, we can't split prizes. See for instance the provision that allows one player to win all three parts of the contest, thus being the sole winner of the trip & other prizes.

I understand and thank you and the Amplicrew for giving us the possibility to intervene so deeply in the production process. Good luck to everyone !

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8 years ago
Aug 13, 2016, 10:37:50 PM

I found it a bit wierd that we can already vote before the deadline for contributions is over.  Or do i missunsterand  something?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 14, 2016, 12:07:55 AM
Sovereign wrote:

I found it a bit wierd that we can already vote before the deadline for contributions is over.  Or do i missunsterand  something?

You can vote up the submissions you like the most at the top right of the thread post. My good friend.

I posted mine about 5 hrs ago and it already upvotes your own post. But if I go to another post I can upvote them if I chose to.

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8 years ago
Aug 15, 2016, 11:22:55 AM

Unfortunately, I am afraid I have to agree with Sovereign that it is "weird" that we can already vote.

As it stands, people who have managed to get their submission in very quickly will have a much longer time to be seen and upvoted, and thus might be at an advantage compared to people turning their submissions in later. This is, after all, the internet, where "being first" accounts for a lot of exposure, even if later submissions may be of higher quality.

I would suggest monitoring this and analyzing the data after the contest to see if the number of votes is in any way slanted towards earlier submissions.

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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 10:16:53 AM

Copy paste Amoeba cause they were good and are complete? Are they going to be omitted?

If someone could spin a single-planet civ it would fit the profile. I will give it a shot.

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