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8 years ago Aug 19,2016, 16:51:00 PM

Early Access incoming & new faction reveals

4 245 Views

Hello everyone,

Early access is coming soon, we're aiming for September!
We've just revealed the third major faction: the Lumeris as well as a new minor faction, the Epistis.
We're demoing Endless Space 2 at Gamecom (Hall 10.1).

Faction creation contest - part 1: don't forget to upvote your favorite ideas.


We are now aiming for an Early Access release on Steam this September!  

Over the next few weeks the team will be hard at work to polish the latest features and assets, and hunting down the last few bugs in order to provide you with the smoothest launch possible. You know us, we will not rush the release if we are not confident that you can have a great experience from the start! So the exact date will be announced a little bit later, once we've received blessings from the VIPs and the QA gods.

In case you haven't done that already you can add Endless Space 2 to your Steam wishlist, that way you'll be notified the moment the build goes live ;)


With the Early Access closing in, it is time to ramp up the faction reveals!

Please welcome the Lumeris, a civilization of amphibious people that originated on Jenes, an atoll planet. Their society - run from the shadows by the Four Families - revolves around trade, economic deals, economic growth, and doing business.


The Epistis were likely created as planetary guardians, charged with preserving their homeworld's fragile ecology. 


In case you missed it, we've recently unveiled the Cravers and Sophons prologue trailers as well as two new minor factions:

  • the Mavros : while they obviously share common ancestry with the Sophons, they are known to be weapons experts, bounty hunters, and mercenaries.
  • the Kalgeros : evolved from a marsupial-like species, they're whole society is built around a unique martial art called the "Mardamari".


As you may know, we're currently demoing Endless Space 2 at Gamescom and so far our 'Away team' has been quite busy preparing the demo builds, juggling between our booths, and meeting gamers and journalists. But so far they're having a great time!

If you happen to be in Köln in the following days, make sure to come say hi! You can find us in Hall 10.1 of the entertainment area.

(Marcelo_O is testing the Amplified Reality switch during the final preparations of our awesome public booth)

(The lucky ones: they have been among the first gamers to get their hands on the game)

(Marcelo_O looks quite serious when he talks about politics and population management)

(This Craver statue displayed in our Press booth looks great, don't you think?)

(SpaceTroll strikes his hero pose with two AMAZING cosplayers! These Hissho and Vaulter armors are perfect :3 )


We are absolutely psyched to see so many cool ideas in the first round of our faction creation contest. 

Friendly reminder: don't forget to upvote your favorite ideas (you can upvote as many ideas as you want) ;) You can find more information here ;)


That's it for this entry, stay tuned for more information!

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8 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 7:08:43 PM

Je suis heureux :D

Happy Happy Happy 

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8 years ago
Sep 22, 2016, 1:03:44 PM

It was far more then just 1 year^^

Man they should have writen END of September ; (

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 12:23:46 PM

Amazing Vaulter cosplayer makes me question my sexuality. Dat good.
And yes, I can hardly wait much longer on EA but that's an old hat. ^^

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 12:07:16 PM


We are now aiming for an Early Access release on Steam this September!  

Over the next few weeks the team will be hard at work to polish the latest features and assets, and hunting down the last few bugs in order to provide you with the smoothest launch possible. You know us, we will not rush the release if we are not confident that you can have a great experience from the start! So the exact date will be announced a little bit later, once we've received blessings from the VIPs and the QA gods.

In case you haven't done that already you can add Endless Space 2 to your Steam wishlist, that way you'll be notified the moment the build goes live ;)

Is this ^ still true ? Or September is no more the Earky Acess release anticipated date ?

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8 years ago
Sep 18, 2016, 4:48:57 PM

I cant wait anymore.

I hope the extra long voting period for the ongoing contest (2 Weeks) is a sign that you guys will release the early acces on the 22th or 23th  of september;D

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 28, 2016, 9:25:38 PM

so what will be in the early access 4 major factions and 5 minor factions if the wiki is right?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 11:45:15 AM

Wishlisted the minute i found out about this via Steam and then i came here and noticed that the whole site had changed for good! Keep up the good work guys! ;)

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8 years ago
Aug 19, 2016, 5:33:19 PM

Awesome! I want to throw my money at you guys so bad!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 12:02:12 PM

Hope September means September 1st... Has been a long waiting

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8 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 6:58:22 PM

Oh boy I guess I will not have internet in September (I will move to another city soon)

But I will see all of you guys in October/November in the Multiplayer again.

o0Ber, DMT, Pancaszu;Nosferatiel,I3Lackout, Pub_1137, Sesgel,Digitalhawk, Stealthawk,Exnihil, Man_About_Town and many more.

The Old gang along with many cool new guys I am sure  will be fighting each other again afer such a long time ;D

Man I cant wait to play with all my old Endless Space friends.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 8:54:06 PM

I have one important question: How much "advance warning" do you expect we'll get before the EA release? I'd love to do a long release day stream on Twitch, but since it will come out on a weekday, I may need to take a day off.

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8 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 12:00:34 PM

Epistis sound just like the Sowers. And Lumeris selling planets to other empires seems suicidal gameplay. Wouldn't it have been better to give them more economy bonuses or perhaps a spy network alongside any trade routes they create with foreign empires?

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8 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 1:05:36 AM
Ykara wrote:
Tealo wrote:

When can we expect game-play footage please?

There is already footage, on YouTube.

Can we see game play without the two annoying guys and just the dev?

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8 years ago
Aug 19, 2016, 11:48:05 PM
Tealo wrote:

When can we expect game-play footage please?

There is already footage, on YouTube.

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