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8 years ago Sep 02,2016, 16:41:00 PM

Faction Creation Contest Phase 2: Visual Design!

3 297 Views

Hey guys and gals!

After a quite staggering almost 200 submissions were offered on our forums, then reduced to 12 finalists, we finally have a winner for our Game Design!  The winning entry is the Unfallen, a society of sentient trees. Read on below to learn more about them!

The Unfallen, by DevilDogFF (click to see original submission)

Soft spoken, giant beings with a shared consciousness, The Unfallen's oldest are thousands of years old. The oldest of which are selected to live on as sentient battleships when duty calls. Saplings, Unfallen that are less than 500 years old, are generally the work force as they are much smaller and use their tree limbs to manipulate basic machinery and work to establish infrastructure. They are the natural enemies of aggressive species and after losing many planets to their destructiveness, have developed specific defenses to them. Their long history as slaves have led them to raze themselves rather than have one of their planets occupied.

In a time of crisis, The Unfallen use a mixture of seeds and sporelings to...convince a friendly faction to come to arms on their behalf.

Once chosen for the task, the elder trees are molded in to monstrous defensive battleships that are surprisingly more heavily armored than even the most advanced of other's battleships. They exist simply to defend their planets from invasion, however, and don't fare well on the offensive (though enough of them can overcome that weakness).

War and Peace from the Senate: The Unfallen cannot declare war while the Pacifists are in control of the senate. As they're peaceful by nature, they also receive a 20% malus to happiness when they declare war with anyone else in control of the senate, except Militarists. With Militarists in control of the senate, they can declare war freely and receive no malus to their happiness.

Smoking the Trees: The Unfallen can force peace by sacrificing a population unit, as their smoke is intoxicating and has an extreme pacification effect. This truce lasts twice as long as a normal truce as the effect of the smoke is addictive, too. This sacrifice is highly regarded as one of the most noble things an Unfallen can do.

Living Dwellings: The Unfallen use food as their production, as they use their own to construct their infrastructure. Therefore, Industry is not utilized.

From One, Cosmic Power: They use their own to build monstrous  ships, which require populations points to build. As such, some of the larger hulls are available a bit earlier, too. They also regenerate over time, without the need for technology.

They're In The Trees!: As The Unfallen share an affinity with all plant life, plant life on other faction's planets give The Unfallen some non-detailed information once they've become aware of The Unfallen's existence. Build queue, population and stationed ships are known to The Unfallen.

Peace Provides Sentience: Being at peace with the Unfallen provides you with one Unfallen population point at every planet you have with a temperate environment, once each planet has room. As a race achieves peace with the Unfallen, the Unfallen enlighten the native tree population. Each Unfallen population unit receives a bonus to food production. 

The Unfallen's ships are a mix of organic material and machinery, so The Unfallen's ships are basically cyborgs. (Thanks to Bluecreeper101 for the help in clarifying this)

They prefer arboreal planets, namely jungle planets, and don't do well on dry, arid planets. 

Congratulations to DevilDogFF, and thanks to all who participated and voted!

We're now moving on to the Second Phase of this contest, the Visual Design! After some concerns were brought up regarding submissions format (among others), we've decided to be a bit more straightforward in what we're expecting from a submission.

It'll look a lot like the picture below, except, of course, with more sentient trees.

The rules for Phase 2 are the following: 

  • The submission will consist in only one image file, in jpg, gif or png format, 10Mb max size, 1920*1080 max size (16:9 formatting preferred if smaller).
  • The submission will feature two characters inspired from the winner of Phase 1, the Unfallen
    • One will be a military type, the other a civilian. Whether there are background details is up to you. 
    • Only two characters from the Unfallen. You can put them next to one another to show size difference or in separate scenes, but no other characters can be in the scene.
  • The submission will feature three ships.
    • A Large ship, of max length 1000m.
    • A Medium ship, of max length 300m.
    • A Small ship, of max length 100m. The small ship may be replaced with either a Fighter or a Bomber, of max length 10m.
    • All ships must have a ruler underneath the model to give a sense of scale.
    • All ships must have the hull type (Large, Medium, Small/Fighter/Bomber) displayed next to them.
    • All ships may have a hull name displayed underneath the hull type (eg: Annihilator or whatever you feel conveys the spirit of the ship).
    • Ships must have visible weapon systems (if you make a sleek hull and then we have to stick a bunch of turrets on them it'll be problematic).
  • The submission may be accompanied by a brief description showing intent. The description should be no longer than 50 words per character or ship model.
  • The submission should be sent by e-mail to this address: click here. Submissions not sent through this channel will not be considered.
  • If changes are made to your submission but not sent via e-mail, they will not be taken into account.
  • Please note that in case of massive participation, we may not be able to provide feedback on individual submissions if certain rules aren't respected. If your submission does not comply with the rules, it may be disqualified from entering the poll.

Rules regarding self-promotion, advertising etc.: As this is a private submission, all postings of individual submissions should be in this specific thread, and not elsewhere on the forums or Steam forums. We can't and won't police submissions posted on external forums, and won't prevent you from asking your friends or strangers to support your submission. However, abuses will be treated with extreme prejudice, leading to possible disqualification and ban from participating in upcoming contests. In short, don't be that person.

The deadline for submitting Friday 16th, 4pm CEST. If you didn't see where and how to submit your ideas, please read the rules!

If you have any questions on the contest or the submission, feel free to ask. 

Now get your drawing caps on, and have fun!

Copied to clipboard!
8 years ago
Sep 7, 2016, 11:53:34 PM
cvel123 wrote:
When will the submissions go live for us to vote on them?

I doubt that we would be subjected to such a rule there, since after all it doesn't matter if we waffle on our pieces in our designated space, since when the voting time comes most people would look at the sheets we have submitted to amplitude via email under guidelines, with your messages accompanying it there. 50 words is fairly... fair, there needs to be a limit to how much a votie has to read before they vote and setting a limit condenses ramblings into points. 

Although, they might just look at the images, rub their gut and ask it what to do and go on its feel.

Very few people i suspect will look back into the self promotion thread if they pop in during the voting stage, not everyone has that time or will convince themselves likewise that they don't. Although it depends on how many people self promote themselves in that thread that will change the number breezing back through there; if there is too many pages of thread they might get turned away, TL:DR and will back out through the door.

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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 1:34:34 PM

It's all on one image, but instead of having them being just two independent parts of the same image (like insects in a display case), they can be shown interacting, for instance, or in relation to one another.

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8 years ago
Sep 14, 2016, 10:44:36 PM
  • Only two characters from the Unfallen. You can put them next to one another to show size difference or in separate scenes, but no other characters can be in the scene.

What do you mean by scenes? Is a separate scene a separate image, or do you mean you can have the two characters interacting with each other as part of that one image? I'm really just asking because I'm trying to squeeze as much room out of my image as possible.

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8 years ago
Sep 14, 2016, 4:40:38 PM

Frogsquadron wrote:
Mithrill wrote:

Can I post a submission with only a part of an art? I ask because I have only sketches of tank-like and plane-like military unit. Will it count?

Feel free to submit it. If it lacks something to be judged as complete, we'll let you know.

Also: changing the deadling to Friday, 4PM CEST. Can't hurt, and we'll be busy launching the Tempest closed beta on Thursday anyway, so you guys have a bit more time, and we get to not rush things.

I've sent it to you yesterday, so a little too late.  Anyway, thanks for calming me.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 14, 2016, 2:49:13 PM
Mithrill wrote:

Can I post a submission with only a part of an art? I ask because I have only sketches of tank-like and plane-like military unit. Will it count?

Feel free to submit it. If it lacks something to be judged as complete, we'll let you know.

Also: changing the deadling to Friday, 4PM CEST. Can't hurt, and we'll be busy launching the Tempest closed beta on Thursday anyway, so you guys have a bit more time, and we get to not rush things.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 12, 2016, 4:22:00 PM

Can I post a submission with only a part of an art? I ask because I have only sketches of tank-like and plane-like military unit. Will it count?

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8 years ago
Sep 11, 2016, 10:20:03 PM

Its not a problem, there is quite a few people on the forums that are not native English speakers and when it comes to writing, spelling mistakes and intention of tone can sometimes be lost. But I knew that you just wanted to inspire people doing art for this competition.

I love those images you popped in there, really interesting. Something it reminds me of the the wacky landscapes that are sometimes on MTG land cards, some of the artwork there is rather stunning especially depending on the plane in question.

I wonder if I would be able to pull up the images from the Automaton ship contest, because I know Amplitude will tweak the winning concept for making the ship model more viable and what not.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 11, 2016, 9:10:13 PM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:

conception is based on what has been shown in the self Promotion thread thus far and people have went with "living wood" since that a core to this concept is: sentient trees with the capacity to communicate with flora, turn themselves into different fitting shapes such as spacecraft and are peaceful/pacifist in their nature.

If someone voted for classic Dryad or Draenei, he'll vote for according entries in Phase 2 too. I don't except presence of that 'trees', only want to find not only them, so don't see a problem. As don't see conflicts with what you mentioned in case of using suggestions from the parallel thread.

Actually, we can speculate even about 'alien tree' definition (since it not described in Phase 1 entry)! If it's only something taller than bushes and with trunk, then we have this, this (though it's handmade) and even this - not only 'classic Earth trees'.

Digitalhawk96 wrote:

Discrediting Devildog...

...was not an intention. There was only an attempt to say that his comments have the same weight as other people comments. Sorry if it was said too rude, my English is not so good to know subtle meanings of words.

Digitalhawk96 wrote:

I sincerly hope that other artists looked beyond a tree and did some image research into other organic plantlife besides trees to draw ideas from.

So do I! And I also believe that Ampliteam will use winner concept as base for thoughts but not as completed concept (regardless image quality). There are too many things to think about, that could be overlooked by us, simple mortals. Like: how these trees communicate with other factions? Do they express emotions with sounds, or body language, or use soft branches to simulate mimic, or create masks like in Mimic movie? [questions for animated portlets and diplomacy menu] How exactly they fight? [animations of ground battles] How they communicate with completely different flora of other planets? And so on...

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8 years ago
Sep 11, 2016, 7:20:38 PM
Celeir wrote:


DevildogFF's part of work is over, and now it's in our hands how to add details...

I get what you are encouraging, for people to be more varied in their imagining of what the Unfallen would look like based on what we are given to work from but... that conception is based on what has been shown in the self Promotion thread thus far and people have went with "living wood" since that a core to this concept is: sentient trees with the capacity to communicate with flora, turn themselves into different fitting shapes such as spacecraft and are peaceful/pacifist in their nature.

Discrediting Devildog even though I don't think anyone is or has been venerating him as the immortal emperor of the faction concepts and holding his opinions in any regard to what they should be drawing, especially since he has never expressed rejection of anybody's design thus far.

Perhaps it is unfortunate that our definition of tree is one solid concept  but I sincerly hope that other artists looked beyond a tree and did some image research into other organic plantlife besides trees to draw ideas from. Our conecpets of what is alien is for something to be off colour like a purple or pink animals/trees,  or something with many limbs like a squid/spider. Unfamiliar and disturbing, something that forms a basis of a decent horror like Alien. Certainly much of our deep underwater sea life deiscovered or not could be considered rather alien.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 11, 2016, 2:43:42 PM
uriak wrote:

Hi, little question, do we assume the weapons egg on the ships are the same for all the factions ? If so should we draw them to show some hardpoints ?

You can indicate weapon hard points or leave it up to our interpretation, your call. Either draw weapons, or draw symbols (even an X will do).

Celeir: good summary

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8 years ago
Sep 11, 2016, 10:32:51 AM


DevildogFF's part of work is over, and now it's in our hands how to add details to faction look. We are here not to pleasure DevildogFF but to improve or fix anything he overlooked or didn't pay enough attention.

Provided faction description has very few strict facts, and it gives a wide field for experiments!


  1. The Unfallen are trees. Are they actually trees or just something that looks like trees? Also, since wood can't stand against metal, bodies could have additional non-wood protection. If they don't rely on protection, it should be taken into consideration too.
  2. The Unfallen prefer jungle planets. Don't do well on dry, arid planets. They should look as part of green planet, so it could be right to avoid Bedouin/Eskimo style etc.
  3. The Unfallen are peaceful by nature and raze themselves rather than have one of their planets occupied. No claws, mounted weapon etc. Military industry is poor.
  4. The Unfallen die in intoxicating smoke to force to truce. Obviously, any Unfallen can do it.
  5. The Unfallen use their own to construct their infrastructure, build monstrous  ships (ships are basically cyborgs ©). Skilled in combining machinery and their own flesh. For sure, they have many years of practice, so could they all be cyborgs?
  6. Young are small and establish infrastructure. Elder are giants! They are molded in to monstrous defensive battleships.
  7. The Unfallen have shared consciousness.

Each of these facts can change final specimen look and should be used to work out the image of faction. One more time:

Facts are vague and allow to create numerous completely different looks, so please don't dwell on dryads and ents.

Please don't just draw 'living forest': look for opportunities! Like lawyer. Seriously

You aren't pinioned to create what YOU want!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 10, 2016, 6:24:11 PM

Hi, little question, do we assume the weapons egg on the ships are the same for all the factions ? If so should we draw them to show some hardpoints ?

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8 years ago
Sep 8, 2016, 9:20:23 AM

You can post outside of the e-mail (in the self-promotion thread dedicated to that purpose) before you submit. Keep in mind however that only what is submitted through email (or resubmitted if you make changes) will count.

And yes, you can post more on the self-promotion thread about your inspiration, what you were going for, etc. It's just that for the vote itself, we want the submissions to be easily read to increase the chance people will read them, and also we want to avoid a wall of text being looked at as "more in-depth" than a condensed declaration of intent regarding a ship model.

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8 years ago
Sep 7, 2016, 11:54:33 PM

uriak wrote:

Btw in the self promotion thread are we allowed to comment on the direction we took or are we limited to the 50 word per ship/char as in the official submission ?

I doubt that we would be subjected to such a rule there, since after all it doesn't matter if we waffle on our pieces in our designated space, since when the voting time comes most people would look at the sheets we have submitted to amplitude via email under guidelines, with your messages accompanying it there. 50 words is fairly... fair, there needs to be a limit to how much a votie has to read before they vote and setting a limit condenses ramblings into points. 

Although, they might just look at the images, rub their gut and ask it what to do and go on its feel.

Very few people i suspect will look back into the self promotion thread if they pop in during the voting stage, not everyone has that time or will convince themselves likewise that they don't. Although it depends on how many people self promote themselves in that thread that will change the number breezing back through there; if there is too many pages of thread they might get turned away, TL:DR and will back out through the door.

Yet, I have no authority on the matter

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8 years ago
Sep 2, 2016, 5:37:03 PM

Congratulations Devildog! I am excited to see what are some of the designs people come up with for your faction idea.

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8 years ago
Sep 7, 2016, 11:38:36 PM
cvel123 wrote:
When will the submissions go live for us to vote on them?

Probably after the 15th since:

The deadline for submitting Thursday 15th, 4pm CEST. If you didn't see where and how to submit your ideas, please read the rules!

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8 years ago
Sep 6, 2016, 10:11:35 PM

Btw in the self promotion thread are we allowed to comment on the direction we took or are we limited to the 50 word per ship/char as in the official submission ?

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8 years ago
Sep 6, 2016, 9:11:39 PM

Can we post our artwork outside of the email before the end date? Are we allowed to show off what we have done or should we wait until the phase 2 submission date is over?

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8 years ago
Sep 5, 2016, 8:42:12 AM
uriak wrote:

I understand your concerns. I was wondering how to neatly insert both chars and ships into a single image while keeping them detailed but using the max size it should be possible. 

Good luck to all participants !

If you wish, you can post your individual pictures in the self-advertising thread, but we're asking for just one picture so that we can make sure we showcase your creation exactly like you intended it to, and not in the way we found most convenient to put your pictures together. If you do post them in the thread, we may link to them when submitting the entries to the public.

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8 years ago
Sep 3, 2016, 8:09:00 PM

Sadly, 0 skill as an artist myself. Look forward to seeing the outcome though. Good luck, people.

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8 years ago
Sep 2, 2016, 11:10:41 PM

I understand your concerns. I was wondering how to neatly insert both chars and ships into a single image while keeping them detailed but using the max size it should be possible. 

Good luck to all participants !

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8 years ago
Sep 2, 2016, 10:59:32 PM

@Celeir You could make terrible-looking art with good ideas and still win, although I would say in a phase dedicated to visuals, presentation will probably play an important part.

@Uriak Your characters could be heroes or simply members of the society. If you want your civilian or military character to be high-ranking or heroic, just state it in the description.  And yes, the format is a lot more rigid than what we're usually doing, mostly because several comments mentioned that having a rigid template to follow would make it easier for everyone to have a quality submission, and harder to just throw in everything and the kitchen sink in order to win. It's more constraining, but we hope in the long run it allows more ideas to stand on an equal footing.

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8 years ago
Sep 2, 2016, 10:27:41 PM

Ah I thought we were going to draw some heroes among aother things :o The whole format feels quite rigid tbh. 

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8 years ago
Sep 2, 2016, 9:00:39 PM

Do you take into account quality of art? Could somebody win because of his idea but not artist skills?

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8 years ago
Sep 2, 2016, 8:32:04 PM

And it's the time I'm sad because I can't draw...

Good luck to everybody and make us a visual that will make the studio jealous!

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8 years ago
Sep 2, 2016, 6:33:31 PM

Congrats DD, will you be submitting the art for the Unfilled as well?

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