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8 years ago Oct 05,2016, 16:01:45 PM

Faction Creation Contest Phase 3: Narrative Design!

2 486 Views

Hey guys and gals!

Thank you for taking part in the vote on Visual Design! We received almost 700 votes, worth over 6 MILLION G2G points! This made the visual design our most popular vote so far on the new G2G platform... and we have a winner!

Winning design: Digitalhawk96!

Ships: The vast Unfallen ships, with their twisted and gnarled appearance incorporate inorganic materials such as stone, metal and built structures throughout the living wood superstructure. Powered by large solar sails rather than conventional engines that serve both to sustain the living ship and push it through the void of space.

Civilian: "Unfallen posses 5 glowing eyes, a unifying feature among them. Their growth is limitless to some extent, while some prefer to remain small, tens of metres high; others will swell into immense beings hundreds of metres high with as many appendages, leg(s) and limbs as they see fit."

Military: "Many older and certainly larger Unfallen cloak themselves in a “mane of leaves” and develop natural clothing, serving as a symbol of status, appeal and role. They tend to fuse gems, ores, metals and parts of Endless ruins into their frame which lends both to aesthetic value and protective purposes."

Congratulations to Digitalhawk96, and thanks to all who participated and voted!

We're moving on to the third and last phase of this contest, the Narrative Design! We are reopening a Contest section on our forums for this phase, with a caveat that the G2G score will not be visible throughout the first week (submission phase), after which it will be enabled and you will be able to support your favorite submissions. 

Head over to this post in our Contests section to find out more about the specific rules of this phase, and other advice. The deadline for this step of Phase 3 is two weeks from now, Wednesday 19th, 6pm CEST. You will then be able to support your favorite submissions, and the three finalists for the vote will be the three most popular validated submissions.

Grab your sharpest writing quill, and as usual, have fun!

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8 years ago
Oct 5, 2016, 4:06:45 PM

I say congratulation. I am happy for you.

You deserved it Digitalhawk and I think that this will refine the Unfallen.

On the other side I am sad for Uriak too. 

Because it is the second time third time he made a great submission and came to the finals iirc. And he is an amazing artist and a long known and appreciated part of the Amplitude community.

His designs were less humanoid and I was actually suprised that Digitalhawk was able to take the lead in the finals after he and Uriak had almost the same G2G score in the preliminary round.

Koradji designs were the third I upvoted two weeks ago his designs were the most alien and I tip my hat for him with my utmost respect.

For me finally it wasent only those few pictures of Digitalhawk which convinced me.

Personaly I am an enemy of  the domination of humanoid beings in the Endless series but for me it wasent only this 5 images here but Digitalhawks submission thread with all the additional drawings and especially all his

personal ideas and thoughts he put into his artworks. I voted for every image and every thought the artist put into his work the full package he posted in his submission thread and we all know that taste isent something debatable but for me he was the right choice even If would have loved to vote for all three of them.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 5, 2016, 4:21:45 PM

It was close, but I also kind of liked Uriak's design by a point or two more because they were less humanoid. But the community has spoken and DigitalHawk's stuff is amazing!

Congrats to all the participants.

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8 years ago
Oct 5, 2016, 5:20:16 PM
Nasarog wrote:

It was close, but I also kind of liked Uriak's design by a point or two more because they were less humanoid. But the community has spoken and DigitalHawk's stuff is amazing!

Congrats to all the participants.

Maybe they should just hire Uriak then :p

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8 years ago
Oct 5, 2016, 9:56:15 PM

Congrats to the winner. I feel you conveyed more details, especially with the ships while I went for maybe a too much of sleek look. 

And thank you Sovereign, if we count the cultist ship challenge i've lost 3 times in a row ;) 

If was seeking a job at Amplitude, it would be as a programmer though ^^ 

Maybe I could drow my sorrow by doing a painted piece. I don't remember Digitalhawk precising the color scheme and weapon stations so far.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 5, 2016, 11:46:20 PM

Congratulations Digitalhawk96! 

It is too bad only one person could win because I thought all three to the final designs were good enough to make it into the game.

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8 years ago
Oct 5, 2016, 11:48:25 PM
uriak wrote:

Congrats to the winner. I feel you conveyed more details, especially with the ships while I went for maybe a too much of sleek look. 

And thank you Sovereign, if we count the cultist ship challenge i've lost 3 times in a row ;) 

If was seeking a job at Amplitude, it would be as a programmer though ^^ 

Maybe I could drow my sorrow by doing a painted piece. I don't remember Digitalhawk precising the color scheme and weapon stations so far.

Look at this guy folks.

This is how a real sportsman talks.

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8 years ago
Oct 5, 2016, 11:57:40 PM
uriak wrote:

Congrats to the winner. I feel you conveyed more details, especially with the ships while I went for maybe a too much of sleek look. 

And thank you Sovereign, if we count the cultist ship challenge i've lost 3 times in a row ;) 

If was seeking a job at Amplitude, it would be as a programmer though ^^ 

Maybe I could drow my sorrow by doing a painted piece. I don't remember Digitalhawk precising the color scheme and weapon stations so far.

I must say, congrats on being such an amazing sport. I honestly thought that your designs were amazing and the only thing that had the tipping point was the dreadnought for me. It was honestly the hardest vote I've had to make here between your design and digitalhawk's.

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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 5:29:13 PM

Absolutely stunning work all around, all I do is sit here and reap the rewards of your hard work. Can't wait to see tree people fly.

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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 5:43:38 PM

Congratulations DigitalHawk! I am very happy for you (yet sooo envious! )

Thanks to everyone who has voted for my design and for those who have taken the time to write about it.

Deep in my heart, I'll always believe that, in some far corner of the galaxy, there lives an evolutionary branch (pun intended!) of the Unfallen which got quite a lot uglier and scarier, but are still a bunch of friendly trees.

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 3:10:13 AM

Since someone in my family had a camera today; If you would like to see the pictures of a higher quality* then you can look at my post-page here on the forums, they are below the rest: Sketches 

I've been lurking around the narrative design page since it started and there has been quite a bit of activity; a lot of good writers and stories being created. It's got me rather tempted to revive something...

Uraik Wrote: 

Maybe I could drown my sorrow by doing a painted piece. I don't remember Digitalhawk precising the color scheme and weapon stations so far.

Indeed I never did, so if you choose to do anything regarding my Unfallen concept in terms of producing artwork, you have my permission to play around since I have no issue with it personally. This goes for anybody else inclined to do the same as well since after all its essentially fan-art - which is weird thinking that. If you post it off the G2G platform remember to give credit to the parties involved if appropriate. 

Koradji Wrote:

Deep in my heart, I'll always believe that, in some far corner of the galaxy, there lives an evolutionary branch (pun intended!) of the Unfallen which got quite a lot uglier and scarier, but are still a bunch of friendly trees.

Well there is always swamp dwelling Unfallen? Maybe they are more easily agitated and menacing looking than the others?

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