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8 years ago Oct 06,2016, 17:01:00 PM

Welcome To The Early Access of ES2!

3 114 Views

Visit our website: http://www.endless-space.com

A big day!

In the name of everyone at Amplitude, let me thank you all for being here today. It is a scary day, a day when we show you a glimpse of the Space 4x of our dreams. Why a glimpse? Well it’s only a glimpse because the game is only in early access. This is a great moment to reveal its full potential. A moment that we should use to transform a good game into a great game!

That journey started a bit over 2 years ago, when we decided that our next game after Endless Legend would be Endless Space 2. Our first follow up!

A follow up is always frightening, as you can easily scare away your core players by changing their original experience too much, but you could easily disappointed everyone, including yourself, by simply offering more of the same. So we decided to take risks, really push our limits and bring many more ways to lead your empire.

We want Endless Space 2 to become the reference in the genre. But that can only happen thanks to you, to your feedback, and to your love for the game and support for the team during hard times.

That can also only happen if we listen to you guys, to your experience and feelings, and that is why we are so invested here in Games2gether.

So what do we have cooking for you during the Early Access?

We want our early access to last from 4 to 6 months, it will definitely not last less than that, and I really hope not longer either! This would be the perfect timing to keep the game moving forward with new content and improvement, while still feeling fresh and new.

Talking of new content, we have a lot of things coming up for you guys. We are still developing most of it, so expect it to still be “fresh” when you put your hands on it!

Here is an overview of the upcoming content for Endless Space 2:

More civilizations to Play With

  • 4 more major civilizations (out of 8)
  • Custom civilizations
  • 10 extra minor civilizations (out of 16)
  • 25 extra Academy heroes (out of 50)

Enhanced Galaxy Generation

  • More galaxy customization options
  • More galaxy types
  • Colonization events
  • More anomalies, also visible on the planets
  • More special nodes
  • More unique planets

Expanded Gameplay

  • 4 additional victory conditions (for a total of 6)
  • Full tech tree and all 5 eras
  • Marketplace, deeds and mercenaries
  • Definitive Amplified Reality scan views
  • Complete artificial intelligence

Bigger Better Badder Space Battles

  • More battle maps
  • More battle plays
  • Battle play manager
  • Fighters and bombers
  • More minor civilizations ships


And so much more...

We are also working on a quick patch that should fix a rare hang and more importantly, that will add the possibility to go beyond the turn limit for the players who desire to do so!

Again, thank you guys, please enjoy Endless Space and come here to let us know your thoughts!

Spacetroll and the ES2 team

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 1:47:27 AM

Ok so I've got around 10hrs played now and I'm really feeling that the Early game is solid but the game obviously dwindles out from early-mid to midgame at 60-125 turns since that's when the missing features that are hazard stripped off begin to become apparent. A few of my thoughts so far:

One of my favorite new features is the probe system, using them for expeditions and sending them out for information; they have a purpose throughout the game due to the informational power later on.

The early game has a lot going for it and feels very active:

  • Initial Research and path you should take
  • Where to fire probes and when to use them for expeditions
  • First few colonies and forward settling
  • Meeting your first Minor faction + interactions
  • Discovering the Academy
  • Discovering Unique planets and good anomalies
  • Quests and events popping up frequently
  • First contact with major civs

As well as features I feel are improvements from ES1 or the state of the Alpha right now:

  • Solid FPS and graphical quality for the Alpha
  • Great Visual Designs, surpassing ES1 in terms of Artwork quality - animated portraits are fantastic
  • Colonization is more fun and streamlined under the new system and doesn't feel like it slows down the game like before
  • Galaxy map and zoom features are really useful
  • The click in and click out feature is great and speeds up menus - left click in, right click out
  • I personally like the new system for heroes - with automatic Heroes over time, their upkeep and balance of skills; compared to ES1 & EL
  • Playstyles of the 4 factions in right now are quite different - Sophons gain a lot of benefits from following their own research path, Lumeris colonization is fast and flexible, with a heavy focus on Dust, I've not played Cravers yet but I suspect you want to push your early advantages and I have no idea how to play Voydani properly

I've got a few thoughts on the early to mid game but I need to play around more to see, I don't think I've played around with Diplomacy, trade and the senate enough to form a rounded opinion yet. But Im liking the direct trading companies are in with investments, creating routes and new companies being created over time; unsure about diplomacy, I've not really focused on it too much since the AI seems Hostile and when I finally got trading companies up as the Lumeris and had the Voydani at peace the game bugged out - the turn got stuck at prepping and I couldn't figure what was agitating it. Senate is interesting and I can certainly see why you would want to manipulate it to keep policies or get ahead.

I think something I would like to see is more interaction with minor factions since as it is right now you simply spend Influence/Dust to gain approval and then buy them out or beat them with a big stick and take them over. Maybe something like quests or other ways to assimilate the system - but im pretty sure you have a lot of the things I could talk about imrpoving on a list already under the  "And so much more..." but Im looking forward to the additions and improvements to be rolled out over the months.

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 3:43:07 PM

Loving my time with the game so far (Had to force myself to go to bed after colonizing my first extra-solar system). I actually had quite a few reservations about certain things (Like the Tech changes, for example), but I gotta admit, this all came together beautifully.

Great job, everyone!

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 7:03:49 PM
TulkasTheStrong wrote:
Zennock wrote:

Excellent. Now, here's hoping for Endless Legends 2.

I'm looking forward to that one as well!

I 2 uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pls yeah 

but first


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8 years ago
Oct 8, 2016, 12:57:34 AM
SpaceTroll wrote:
  • Full tech tree and all 5 eras

Does this only include all 5 eras, or does 'Tech Tree' mean we're getting a tree like in Endless Space 1?

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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 2:33:14 AM

You should release this video on youtube to be shared. It's beautiful and it would be nice to spread the early access to social medias.

As for the early access itself, it's pretty enjoyable but I would have one little complain. It's about the narrative. I think it's too linear at the moment for each race. Do you intend to make several possible paths and destinies to extend replayability? Cause after a few times playing the same race, the quests become too repetitive and kill the immersion. 

As well, as I posted on the forum already, the battles would be way better if some dynamism and better visuals on weapons were added. But this one is more like a personal request. 

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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 2:31:56 PM
Nyanko wrote:

You should release this video on youtube to be shared. It's beautiful and it would be nice to spread the early access to social medias. 

The video is available from our website, with an option to share and embedded player. You can also find both videos on our Youtube channel. :)

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 7:31:55 AM

As a developer you take a perilous path while creating a game with the gamers, because you cannot please every one and it is very hard to involve and reach all the genre players. But on the other plate of the scales the true potential may sprout up due such interaction. A lot of gamers may bring great ideas based on their life and game experience, and of course the vision that they and I have. 

I'm glad to be part of such an amazing interaction (it is rare now days), I believe that we will a have an amazing journey, have fun everyone!

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 3:35:52 PM
ximulator wrote:
SpaceTroll wrote:
  • Full tech tree and all 5 eras

Does this only include all 5 eras, or does 'Tech Tree' mean we're getting a tree like in Endless Space 1?

While it would be great to have the old tech tree back, unfortunately I think the new tech style is here to stay. For what it's worth, I always preferred the tree from the first Endless Space over the "lump of technology" method of Endless Legend.

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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 7:59:10 PM

Surpised this didn't showed up on the main steam page . They are greedy enough tend to push there all new releases, even in the early access.

Anyway, glad to see more awesome stuff from you, Amplitude team

P.S. I'm confused how is the new 'points' systen gonna work. Do i need to wait when site recognize the version of the game on linked steam account, or there are digital keys?

Updated 8 years ago.
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