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A big day!

In the name of everyone at Amplitude, let me thank you all for being here today. It is a scary day, a day when we show you a glimpse of the Space 4x of our dreams. Why a glimpse? Well it’s only a glimpse because the game is only in early access. This is a great moment to reveal its full potential. A moment that we should use to transform a good game into a great game!

That journey started a bit over 2 years ago, when we decided that our next game after Endless Legend would be Endless Space 2. Our first follow up!

A follow up is always frightening, as you can easily scare away your core players by changing their original experience too much, but you could easily disappointed everyone, including yourself, by simply offering more of the same. So we decided to take risks, really push our limits and bring many more ways to lead your empire.

We want Endless Space 2 to become the reference in the genre. But that can only happen thanks to you, to your feedback, and to your love for the game and support for the team during hard times.

That can also only happen if we listen to you guys, to your experience and feelings, and that is why we are so invested here in Games2gether.

So what do we have cooking for you during the Early Access?

We want our early access to last from 4 to 6 months, it will definitely not last less than that, and I really hope not longer either! This would be the perfect timing to keep the game moving forward with new content and improvement, while still feeling fresh and new.

Talking of new content, we have a lot of things coming up for you guys. We are still developing most of it, so expect it to still be “fresh” when you put your hands on it!

Here is an overview of the upcoming content for Endless Space 2:

More civilizations to Play With

  • 4 more major civilizations (out of 8)
  • Custom civilizations
  • 10 extra minor civilizations (out of 16)
  • 25 extra Academy heroes (out of 50)

Enhanced Galaxy Generation

  • More galaxy customization options
  • More galaxy types
  • Colonization events
  • More anomalies, also visible on the planets
  • More special nodes
  • More unique planets

Expanded Gameplay

  • 4 additional victory conditions (for a total of 6)
  • Full tech tree and all 5 eras
  • Marketplace, deeds and mercenaries
  • Definitive Amplified Reality scan views
  • Complete artificial intelligence

Bigger Better Badder Space Battles

  • More battle maps
  • More battle plays
  • Battle play manager
  • Fighters and bombers
  • More minor civilizations ships


And so much more...

We are also working on a quick patch that should fix a rare hang and more importantly, that will add the possibility to go beyond the turn limit for the players who desire to do so!

Again, thank you guys, please enjoy Endless Space and come here to let us know your thoughts!

Spacetroll and the ES2 team