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8 years ago Oct 19,2016, 16:26:00 PM

Faction Creation Contest - Finalists Selection!

1 727 Views

Hi everyone,

Thank you for submitting your narrative designs! Lots of great stories in there, from character portraits to story hooks, there's a lot to love!

It's now time to select your favorite story to form the basis for our narrative design! 

We change a couple of things compared to the last selection period: this time, as you've noticed, it hasn't been possible to upvote stories for the whole duration of the submission period. The submission period being over, we're doing the opposite: closing submissions (it is not possible to edit your submission or post a new one), enabling voting and points.

So go ahead, read and support your favorites, but most importantly, give their authors feedback and show some love! It takes a long time to craft a story and hone it until you're ready to show it, so this deserves appreciation!

Enough with the moralization, just check out the entries, the selection is happening this way!

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8 years ago
Oct 19, 2016, 5:08:50 PM

Does it mean that all stories have met all contest rules? Or some stories were deleted (if any)?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 19, 2016, 5:45:45 PM
sarin555 wrote:

When is the last day of voting again?

I think we get 1 week to vote, so next Wednesday, poll closes at the same time of day. The top of the forum says "September 26th", but I presume that is a typo and should be "October 26th".

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8 years ago
Oct 19, 2016, 6:01:06 PM

Voting indeed closes next Wednesday, OCTOBER 26th. We are so bleary-eyed after many long nights of staring at our screens that several of us proofread the announcement, yet missed that detail altogether.

Regarding submissions, the only one that is out of the running is the one that is in fact a gameplay submission. You know the one. :)

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