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8 years ago Oct 26,2016, 15:01:00 PM

Faction Creation Contest - Narrative Design: The Last Vote!

1 506 Views

Hey everyone,

Thanks to all of you for voting in the Narrative Design selection: the results are in! The competition was fierce during the first few days, but soon three front runners emerged, and the winners of this round were already fairly obvious despite a last minute surge by a fourth pretender.

Without further ado, our three finalists are:

Temple of Gaia, by Carolean7

The curse and the blessing of individuality, by Panczasu

Everything ends with fire, by Koradji


The G2G vote will end on November 2

Choose wisely as the winner will be reworked and implemented into Endless Space 2 as the official basis for the faction quest & hero for the Unfallen faction, entirely created by the community! 

Good luck to our finalists!

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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 3:30:04 PM

Oh man...the choices are all so great. 

I'll have to mull over this for a while...

By the way, you've written October 5th in the OP, but I believe you meant November 5th. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 3:41:03 PM

Guilty as charged! I used last vote blog's template and left that bit in... in my defense I'd like to say the whole studio is feeling a bit under the weather today... (but we partied on a Chinese junk and that was awesome!)

Thanks for the heads-up, DevilDog.

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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 4:15:50 PM

Congratulations to Carolean7 and Panczasu, and good luck! 

I'm certainly up against strong competition this time as well!

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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 7:20:26 PM

I'm sad I'm not in one of the finalist (pretty sure I'm not even in the 20 first) but good luck for everybody!

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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 7:35:37 PM

Big thanks to everyone who so kindly voted for me, you made me very happy! <3

And also congratulations to Carolean7 and Koradji, it's an honour to be able to compete with you!

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