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8 years ago Nov 03,2016, 16:31:00 PM

Faction Creation Contest: and the winner is...

3 039 Views

Hi there, space explorers!

After months of contests and countless ideas submitted, inspirations discussed, constructive criticism given and taken, our Faction Creation Contest is finally complete!

The winner of the third phase, Narrative Design, is Koradji with Everything ends with fire. Congratulations to him and his co-finalists, Carolean7 & Panczasu!

Click here if you want to read or reread the submissions from our three finalists.

Here is the complete list of our winners and their entries:

The winners of each phase will receive the following:

  • Their names in the game credits for ultimate bragging rights (added at release).
  • An Endless Space 2 t-shirt. "What's that?" people will say. "Just a game I helped create", they'll reply.
  • An exclusive badge showcasing their achievements.
  • Two copies of the game, so they can play with a friend or two!
  • A trip to Paris to visit the studio and meet the team! This will happen in January for our Endless Day (on January 20th, 2017).

We would like to extend our thanks to all of you who offered submitted ideas and voted, and even bigger thanks to those of you who took the time to provide feedback, including the few who read everything, or almost everything! This was no small undertaking, and it was extremely gratifying for the team to see that its community also took the contest to heart.

The Unfallen will join the game towards release, probably in the release update itself. We hope you enjoyed this chance to take a stab at creating games, and that it made you even more willing to share your feedback and opinion to make Endless Space 2 the best it can be.

The Amplitude Team

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8 years ago
Nov 3, 2016, 6:36:44 PM

I am overwhelmed by how humbled I am. My creation in my favorite studio's game?

I will always be forever grateful to Amplitude and this amazing community.

Thank you.

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8 years ago
Nov 3, 2016, 7:54:20 PM

*Bows* *claps* *salutes*

You all deserve it! Congratulations to the winners and all the great competition. 

- Says the person who did not do anything...

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8 years ago
Nov 3, 2016, 8:55:44 PM

Excellent work! Now we get to roll up our figurative shirtsleeves (we all wear t-shirts) and get down to working out the details of implementation.

Don't be surprised if we contact you to hash out some ideas....

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8 years ago
Nov 3, 2016, 8:59:25 PM

I wonder how the faction will have evolved by the release. For instance, Digitalhawk96's visual design leaves freedom for the Devs to choose colours, and I believe there was not a narrative submission to explain/interpret all the Game Design and Visual Design features of the Unfallen at once.

P.S. Looking forward to see references/quotes of the Narrative Design finalists at ES2 quests :).

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 4, 2016, 12:02:30 AM

It was an absolute blast during the contest period. I look forward to the future and also seeing Unfallen in their finalized state.

Might as well try to learn French again, it might prove useful; slotting such a thing in with my Aero work could prove challenging though. 

Of course, none of this would be possible without the community's support. So thank you all.

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