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8 years ago Nov 16,2016, 14:51:39 PM

G2G: propose your Ideas!

2 220 Views

Hi, everyone!

We've just released the Ideas feature. This is a dedicated section on the platform to submit new ideas from the community.

Anyone can post their own Ideas, and Follow, Upvote, or Comment any other ideas.

Ideas are available for Endless Space 2, and the Games2Gether itself.

Here is how it works:

  1. You submit your Ideas, with Title, Categories, and its description. Be as precise as possible.
  2. You get feedback from the community, which can upvote, follow and comment your ideas. It's up to you to update your Idea according to this feedback.
  3. The Dev Team will review your Idea when it will have gathered enough feedback. or it will be clear enough to evaluate it. At this stage you will no longer be able to update your idea.

There are 8 possible statuses for an Idea:

  • Open: It's the starting status, you can edit and get as much feedback as you want. The Dev Team has not reviewed your Idea yet, or is not ready to update it.
  • Duplicate: There is already a similar idea posted by someone else. You will still be able to Edit/Comment on this idea, but the upvotes will be closed. The Dev Team can choose to reopen it later if it's relevant.
  • Incomplete: The Idea is not complete enough to give a relevant feedback. You will still be able to Edit/Comment this idea, but the upvotes will be closed. The Dev Team can choose to re-open it later if it's relevant.
  • Out of Scope: The idea is too complex, and the Dev Team can't be sure to be able to implement it in the game for the moment. You will only be able to Comment on the idea.
  • Out of Vision: The Idea is not compatible with the Dev Team's vision for the game, or it is not technically not feasible.
  • Wishlisted: The Dev Team is interested in having this Idea in the game.
  • Greenlighted: The Dev Team will very likely implement this Idea in the future!
  • In-Game: This Idea has been implemented in the game, congratulations!
  • Each time the Dev Team will update your Ideas, a short comment will justify the decision.

If you have any question, feel free to ask! If you have a suggestion... post it in the Games2Gether ideas!


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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 3:59:31 PM

What will happen if the idea proposed is extremely satirical but well written? 

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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 5:13:33 PM
Zennock wrote:

What will happen if the idea proposed is extremely satirical but well written? 

Out of Vision.

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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 5:51:09 PM
Kareal wrote: 

Out of Vision.

Tactical meme incoming !!! 

More seriously, what about the ancient ideas posted on some subcategories of the forum (ex. : the advanced custom faction system proposed by EndlessCrashes : https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forum/65-general/thread/20210-es2-custom-faction-editor-what-we-would-like-to-see) ? Must we post them again under the "idea" label, or can we simply ask for a transfer from the forum to the idea section ?

Edit : At the end, I think the answer is simple enough : we must do it ourselves. 


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 8:33:58 AM
Hinin wrote:

Edit : At the end, I think the answer is simple enough : we must do it ourselves. 

You've got it ! :)

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8 years ago
Nov 18, 2016, 5:13:21 PM

I would propose support for truly gigantic maps/galaxies.   This would include modifying tech costs and values for victory conditions.  There is a mod for ES that allows generation of gigantic galaxies, but the rate of tech acquisition results in full completion of the entire tech tree before the fun even begins.  It would be nice if this type of game setting was not only built into ES2, but also relatively balanced in a way that playing with such game settings would be viable.

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 7:08:17 AM

Is there going to be a ideas sytems for endless legend? or is the next game going to be then new thing to work on (endlesslegend2)? I still think that the endless legend platform has something to offer, like a full roster of minor faction hero units and etc.

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 8:59:48 PM

Hi! I cannot edit my reply after I posted it. I click "Send", then I see "Sending..." for a second and nothing changes: I am still at the same window. I use Firefox. Tested: I don't have such a problem here.

Another my concern is if it is possible to submit a "cluster" of ideas. For example, I have an idea that Cravers should like soda (1). Moreover, I believe they should like green (2) salty (3) soda, but I am not sure the community shares the latter. May I publish the whole idea in one submission and allow people to vote separately on the items 1, 2 and 3 (they should be visually separated in sections too)? Or to allow the people who upvoted the item 1 to vote on the sub-ideas 2 and 3?

Well, as I see, it is impossible. Time to make my first idea submission!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 7:20:48 AM
AlastirCrowe wrote:

what does it mean if your idea gets moderated?

It means the Idea is no more visible to other users, in your case I think it was because it was not on the right game section (G2G instead of ES2).

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8 years ago
Jan 22, 2017, 2:13:24 AM

It says that you're only accepting ideas for Endless Space 2, but I just started playing Dungeon of the Endless, and I've already come up with one idea: A reward system, based on what you do inside the game of DotE. Say, when you kill a mob (in my case, if you kill one), you receive 1 credit or something, and ever single resource point is added up (Industry, Science, Food, Dust) and you get 1 credit for each, meaning that when you leave a game, you get, say, 200 credits, and then: my next idea... When you finish the game, you get the score, you get the credits, and then you head to the Market tab. You open "packages" (Bronze, silver, gold, platinum), and they cost varying amounts e.g. (1000, 2000, 5000, 10000), and each package contains one item and a couple resources you can use for the next game depending on which package you open. This is just my idea. Don't reply, it's alright. Thank you if you did read this, however.

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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 1:14:17 PM
Indianajoel wrote:

It says that you're only accepting ideas for Endless Space 2, but I just started playing Dungeon of the Endless, and I've already come up with one idea: A reward system, based on what you do inside the game of DotE. Say, when you kill a mob (in my case, if you kill one), you receive 1 credit or something, and ever single resource point is added up (Industry, Science, Food, Dust) and you get 1 credit for each, meaning that when you leave a game, you get, say, 200 credits, and then: my next idea... When you finish the game, you get the score, you get the credits, and then you head to the Market tab. You open "packages" (Bronze, silver, gold, platinum), and they cost varying amounts e.g. (1000, 2000, 5000, 10000), and each package contains one item and a couple resources you can use for the next game depending on which package you open. This is just my idea. Don't reply, it's alright. Thank you if you did read this, however.

Hey Indianajoel,

Thanks for your ideas, but unfortunately, development on Dungeon of the Endless has largely wrapped up now that the team is working on Endless Space 2, and there are no plans to introduce further content at this time.

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