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8 years ago Dec 14,2016, 16:56:00 PM

Achievement Creation Contest

1 196 Views

Hey everyone! 

Time for a last contest before the winter holidays! As is customary with all our games, this one will be about... Steam Achievements!

We did it before and it worked quite well, so here goes: the contest will be open immediately, but it will only become possible to upvote in a week! Below are the rules and categories for these achievements, so you can start creating and reading what others have thought of!


  • The contest will be divided in three categories for achievements: 1: Military, 2: Science & Exploration, and 3: Empire Management & Politics.
  • Each category will have its own entry in our Contests section.
  • Submissions will be open for upvotes from the opening of the sections.
  • Each category will yield three finalists, that will face-off in a vote, resulting in one submission being chose, per category.
  • Only one submission per author, per category. This means you can participate in all three categories, but only enter once in each.
  • You will be able to start submitting on Wednesday 14th, at about 6pm. Voting will start at 4pm on Wednesday the 21st, a week later, and will end on January 4th.


  • Create your submission with the following template for the title [NAME OF THE ACHIEVEMENT]
  • In the body of the submission, please write the following: [NAME OF THE ACHIEVEMENT] Description of the achievement
  • Your description must be only one sentence or two, and less than 140 characters (a tweet!). 


  • Be creative. We have achievements already going on, so we'll be looking for funny, creative, or otherwise off-the-wall achievements, the ones you'll want to do just so you can brag about having them.
  • Puns and jokes are welcome. Reference to literature or pop culture, sci-fi or otherwise, while not mandatory, are always a big hit.
  • The achievement must not be identical to another game's (even if it's really good). No copyrighted material either.
  • The achievement must be achievable (duh).
  • Try exploring the new features of Endless Space 2!


  • You get your achievement in the game. That's an achievement of itself. How very meta of us.
  • You get a Games2Gether forum badge and your name in the credits of the game for ultimate bragging rights.
  • An official Amplitude t-shirt that will be the envy of your friends!

Get your thinking hats on, and head this way for the contest!

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 5:22:25 PM

I really think that previous contests have been launched too early: nobody knows how final game will look and work, nuances of its features etc. All this info is vital to create content like this.

What if we'll find something interesting to be as achievement in current tech tree, battles, in current state of Population mechanics? And in few moths it could be changed at all

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 5:32:19 PM

Honestly, even now you can make something creative. The Senate, some factions, unique planets, everything can be used.

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 5:32:39 PM

It's a catch-22: you need to know what the game looks like to make informed decisions, and you need to make these decisions before the game can be completed. But for the moment production constraints dictate that we get community input earlier rather than later in the development process.

Who knows, we might even end up adding more achievements in the long run?

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