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8 years ago Dec 13,2016, 15:06:00 PM

Progress Update - Patch Live

5 763 Views

Hi all,

As you know, we have been experiencing issues with Endless Space 2 update 1, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.  

It has been difficult to fix these for two reasons: it is a complex problem, and we are working in parallel in fixing update 1 and developing update 2. We have completely changed the way AI works in Endless Space 2 (compared to our previous games), and the technological aspect of this new AI is harder to maintain / develop.

When we started the project, the AI team looked for other architectures / ways of implementing an AI, and came up with an architecture working in a module separate from the main game. This offered lots of interesting possibilities, such as the AI using its own memory mapping without interfering with the game data, which was one of the limits of our previous AIs. We have also worked a lot on graphical tools to visualize (and debug!) what the AI is doing. The one technical issue with this AI, is that is has to interact with the game to synchronize its data, to make sure it makes educated decisions based on fresh information.

In recent months after the AI architecture was laid down, we implemented a lot of features to allow the AI to play the game, but we have not worked as much on the technical performance of the AI. The status we had at early access was "ok but a bit slow" for the AI, which we deemed acceptable. However, when we added content and features for Update 1, it brought up multiple issues in terms of memory use & multi-threading stability. We set out to fix all these only to be mired in side-effects: performance issues, lags, various bugs and blockers. Sorting these out proved long and challenging, but with the help of the Unity support teams we got the situation under control. There are still a few non-blocking issues at play that we will hunt down, but we feel confident that the patch we are releasing today will help immensely and allow you to get back into the game. Complete patch notes for today’s patch are [here]. 

Moving forward, for update 2 we have some interesting things coming up. The revamped tech tree, which has been a much requested improvement, should be coming with update 2. Below is a preview of what it will look like (keep in mind a fair bit of it is placeholder). Some of the other prominent features coming to update 2 are: the new major faction, space battle improvements, implementation of other victory conditions, planet grid and terraformation revamp, maybe even a (very rough) multiplayer.

With Early Access development, roadblocks are to be expected. This time around, we hit all of them at once. Things got hectic, but we hope the worst is behind us now. 

Thank you for sticking with us.


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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 6:48:02 AM
satoru wrote:

Ultimately that feels more like a design problem than an issue with the tech tree itself

As Sid says you should be making 'interesting decisions' at each point. I think though you can end up in situations where tech A is useful for a particular situation/race but not another. In that sense that tech  is not 'useless' in general, but simply useless in that situation. Simialrly 'must have' tech should be situational in theory.

If we're talking in an absolute sense of 'must have' then that's more an issue with the tech itself and possibly where it is in the tree and such.

Well, if you look at EL, in order ro beat an educated player or a serious+ AI you need to do right things at the right time. There is time to grow your army, time to boost your economy, time to go to war.  Variability comes from where you are at the map, who is your neighbor. Sometimes you go early war, sometimes you have good resources around, sometimes you're stuck on an island and sometimes you're a Cultist and your closest neighbor is Drakken. 

ES has the same kind of variability. Whether your neighbor is a Craver or your nearby territories being bought out by Lumeris you've got to go a specific way based on the random of your spawn conditions. Say I have a neighbor Craver, then I have to go full defence mode yet I must obtain some resources  and build good enough economy to sustain my early big fleet. How am I going to accomplish all that if I have to go through a tech tree? If there are unskippable technologies that I don't need at the time? 

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 9:19:31 PM

All good! There's been plenty of great games to play in the meantime.

Keep working hard and keep up the good work!

Hope you guys have a happy holidays!

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 12:01:48 AM
The new tech tree layout looks amazing! I had some serious negative feelings about the EL type tech tree layout and the way that it was difficualt to visualize a path. Thanks!

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 1:12:23 AM

Very happy you guys decided to give us some heads up on what the deal is, how things are, etc. I look forward to more crazy fun in the future. Best of luck with the AI changes.

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 1:16:51 AM
stn1 wrote:
DevildogFF wrote:
The tech tree is awesome and I'm glad we can talk about it now! Looks like it will be a great return/iteration of the ES1 tech tree and I think we can all agree that it will be a better system.

Great job, guys and gals

I hope we won't need to take useless techs in order to get must-have ones, that was the biggest problem of ES1 tech tree. It had almost zero variability. 

Ultimately that feels more like a design problem than an issue with the tech tree itself

As Sid says you should be making 'interesting decisions' at each point. I think though you can end up in situations where tech A is useful for a particular situation/race but not another. In that sense that tech  is not 'useless' in general, but simply useless in that situation. Simialrly 'must have' tech should be situational in theory.

If we're talking in an absolute sense of 'must have' then that's more an issue with the tech itself and possibly where it is in the tree and such.

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 1:21:59 AM

Good luck with the new tech tree. It certainly looks interesting, but I hope it promotes decisions.  I think the current tree isn't bad (there's a lot of must haves, but hte order you acquire them in matters, and in era 2 you sorta have to pick which you're getting), but I'd really like to generally not feel forced into "industry booster, food booster, science booster" for my open most games. 

Still great to see progress and I'm really happy to hear you're trying new things with the AI, even if its a pain in the ass.

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 2:58:47 AM

It all looks so wonderful. iv tried playing the new update but i keep getting and failure and error notice? dose any one else have this? 

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 5:52:41 AM

Great job, thanks for the update and the extra insight on what was actually going on!

Kinda impatient to see whats next, tech tree looks promising and i'm looking forward to the space battle improvements.

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 8:32:16 PM

Thank you very much for the update! The regular communication is very much appreciated. Try not to work yourselves too hard though. If you need a bit longer to get things up to a standard you're happy with I'm sure everyone here will understand!

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8 years ago
Dec 14, 2016, 3:19:16 PM
stn1 wrote:
Well, if you look at EL, in order ro beat an educated player or a serious+ AI you need to do right things at the right time. There is time to grow your army, time to boost your economy, time to go to war.  Variability comes from where you are at the map, who is your neighbor. Sometimes you go early war, sometimes you have good resources around, sometimes you're stuck on an island and sometimes you're a Cultist and your closest neighbor is Drakken.

ES has the same kind of variability. Whether your neighbor is a Craver or your nearby territories being bought out by Lumeris you've got to go a specific way based on the random of your spawn conditions. Say I have a neighbor Craver, then I have to go full defence mode yet I must obtain some resources  and build good enough economy to sustain my early big fleet. How am I going to accomplish all that if I have to go through a tech tree? If there are unskippable technologies that I don't need at the time? 

I never felt that any techs in ES1 were unneeded. To build better economic buildings you need better industry; to get all that fast enough you need better science; you also need more planets if you want to be more focused in your area; to handle worse planets you need better approval buildings. There's hardly an unneeded tech, and you shouldn't expect to research best in class modules without any prerequisites - it undermines, if not punishes, specialisation.

I am quite sceptical about the new tech system, but I hope it will at least be an improvement over the current ill-fitting one with a lot of must-have techs and cost increase prohibiting going back in eras.

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8 years ago
Dec 15, 2016, 7:52:01 AM

Revamping the Tech Tree is the best decision you could have made.

Another proof that Amplitude is actually listening and the most community friendly studio on earth.

When can we count on the release of update 2? Christmas is at the gates so probably not before february right?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 18, 2016, 4:59:25 AM
Sovereign wrote:

When can we count on the release of update 2? Christmas is at the gates so probably not before february right?

According to one of their posts, they're shooting for roughly 5-week gaps between updates. So, if everything goes according to plan, somewhere around January.

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8 years ago
Dec 19, 2016, 8:38:30 PM

So pony can start running in circles.

Redesign of technology-tree looks very doubtful and does not fit into the current concept of science and game design. Concentric design of technology tree was relevant for the ES1,  but the concept of science's evolution in ES2  such as in the EL. Trying to cross the concept of EL (ES2) with the design ES1 - it is very, very bad idea and it looks horrible and very uncomfortable. I hope that the old design is still available.

It seems to me that this is a waste of time, while the game has a performance problem, and nasty bug with infinite pending has not yet been fixed.

I will show a flowchart of Garry Newman (DayZ), as a demonstration:

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 12:00:51 PM
CrazyFizik wrote:

It seems to me that this is a waste of time, while the game has a performance problem, and nasty bug with infinite pending has not yet been fixed.

The infinite pending turns should be fixed now. Please update your game and let us know if you encounter any further endless turn issues.

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8 years ago
Jan 11, 2017, 9:14:36 AM

After just reading this blog, i want to thank you for any substantial update at all. This scratches that information itch. I love the redesign of the tech tree, much more ES1, exactly along the lines i want to see.

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 3:16:09 PM

Love the look of the new tech tree.  Hope it will be as complex and diverse as possible.  Now to the patched game!

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