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8 years ago Dec 21,2016, 15:36:00 PM

Achievement Creation Contest: Finalists Selection

1 163 Views

Hi everyone,

Thank you for submitting your achievement proposals in the Military, Science & Exploration, and Empire Management & Politics categories! Funny ones, hard ones, original ones, there's something for everyone!

It's now time to select your favorite achievements in each category!

We are sticking to our new submission process, since it seems to work out for everyone: as you've noticed, it hasn't been possible to upvote stories for the whole duration of the submission period. The submission period being over, we're doing the opposite: closing submissions (it is not possible to edit your submission or post a new one), enabling voting and points. Voting ends on Wednesday, January 4th at 4pm CET.

So go ahead, read and support your favorites, and if you like them, tell the authors so! Remember, we will be selecting finalists in each of the three categories, so don't forget to visit them all!

Where do I do this, you ask? Easy, the selection is happening this way! Click on each category, and get voting!

Two weeks until we get our finalists!

Copied to clipboard!
8 years ago
Dec 22, 2016, 5:19:58 AM

How is "I am become death" even a contender... IT'S NOT EVEN PROPER GRAMMAR. Also, it's really depressing when VIPs win a competition like this. Really gives the power to the players.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 22, 2016, 7:51:04 AM
IcedVenom wrote:

How is "I am become death" even a contender... IT'S NOT EVEN PROPER GRAMMAR. Also, it's really depressing when VIPs win a competition like this. Really gives the power to the players.


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8 years ago
Dec 23, 2016, 10:42:31 AM
IcedVenom wrote:

How is "I am become death" even a contender... IT'S NOT EVEN PROPER GRAMMAR. Also, it's really depressing when VIPs win a competition like this. Really gives the power to the players.

Out of 47 creation contests we've had, our VIPs have won 9. 

Now, ask the question the other way around: instead of winning because they are VIPs, aren't they winning for the same reason they are VIPs?  These reasons being: very knowledgeable about the games, invested in the community, etc.

You can't just casually walk in, toss an idea and expect it to win. But if you look at the current top submissions in the contest, you'll see that none in each top 6 are from VIPs. The current highest-scoring, Aurigan Trail, is both nothing short of genius and from a player who I don't remember taking in contests before. Shows that with the right idea...

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8 years ago
Dec 25, 2016, 10:09:01 PM

Don't be a sad panda. :)
There will hopefully be many games in the future you can throw your money at. xD

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8 years ago
Dec 27, 2016, 11:05:09 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
IcedVenom wrote:

How is "I am become death" even a contender... IT'S NOT EVEN PROPER GRAMMAR. Also, it's really depressing when VIPs win a competition like this. Really gives the power to the players.

Out of 47 creation contests we've had, our VIPs have won 9. 

Now, ask the question the other way around: instead of winning because they are VIPs, aren't they winning for the same reason they are VIPs?  These reasons being: very knowledgeable about the games, invested in the community, etc.

You can't just casually walk in, toss an idea and expect it to win. But if you look at the current top submissions in the contest, you'll see that none in each top 6 are from VIPs. The current highest-scoring, Aurigan Trail, is both nothing short of genius and from a player who I don't remember taking in contests before. Shows that with the right idea...

Yep, haven't taken part in a contest before. Also thanks, that's so nice :D

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8 years ago
Jan 4, 2017, 7:33:47 PM

"I am become Death..."

Ok, maybe you are all way ahead of me. But google Oppenheimer (Manhattan Project) and Bhagavad Gita. Or, if you prefer, Baldur's Gate  :) )

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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 3:14:25 AM
IcedVenom wrote:

How is "I am become death" even a contender... IT'S NOT EVEN PROPER GRAMMAR. Also, it's really depressing when VIPs win a competition like this. Really gives the power to the players.

Actually, it is perfect grammar (pun). This is a slightly archaic form of the present-perfect tense. Where we would now say, "(Now) I have become Death...", it used to be perfectly acceptable to say, "(Now) I become Death..." as was the literal translation of the original Sanskrit text. Also, if Death is a role or an embodiment, like in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, then it would be equally appropriate. For example, "Now I become Rakabar, defender of grammar..."

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