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8 years ago Jan 23,2017, 16:46:00 PM

Horatio Update - Focus on the Minor Factions

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Hey everyone!

The Horatio update is arriving soon! In this second update for Endless Space 2, three Minor factions will be joining the nine other already in the game, to add some life to the galaxy! These factions are the Eyder, the Gnashast and the Tikanan.

We thought you'd like to learn a little more about them.

You might already be familiar with the Eyder, since they are the Minor faction created through community votes on the G2G about a year ago. You guys set the bar very high with a very unorthodox combination of traits, with things like "Aerial" and "Sun-powered" that were pretty hard to reconcile! Regardless, we are very happy with the result, and these little dragons whose masters mysteriously disappeared should make for ambiguous if adorable allies for all involved! Read more about them here.

The Tikanan are a new Eusocial Minor faction, with a Military inclination. They share a disturbing similarity with the Eyder, which is that they once also were members of a species imported as pets (if of an unusual and dangerous kind). Does this mean that you should be treating your pets better, or just be more careful when dealing with wildlife? Who knows, we're not here to learn lessons, we're here to add cool and deadly neighbors to your budding star empire (fun fact: Star Empire was the first Endless Space's working title. Yup)! Read more about them here.

These charming-looking fellas are known as the Gnashasts. Whether it's because this name is convenient to pronounce when your body is 1/5 covered in teeth, or because it means "We who hunt" in their language is irrelevant, because we're not coming any closer than we have to. The Gnashasts are Militarists and in case you haven't noticed the guns, they mean business. Fun fact, the Gnashasts' look was once considered to be the final look for the Lumeris! We moved away from such upfront menace to give them more of a cunning feel than a "threatening to take your life along with your wallet", but the look was so cool we kept it on as a Minor faction. So next time Gnashast troops are rampaging through your home system, you'll be able to say: "thanks for drawing cool-looking crocodile shark people, Amplitude, I'm really happy these guys exist." Well, you're welcome. Also, if you're curious, read more about them here.

Finally, we're adding a new category of ships in the game for Minor factions, the Advanced look! These ships are currently shared by the Epistis and the Z'vali, and they look like something else. Check it out for yourselves:

Advanced Medium Ship & Advanced Small Ship

That's it for now! Come back tomorrow for another peek at the new features of the Horatio Update, the 2nd major update for Endless Space 2.

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8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 5:03:02 PM

Awesome minor factions, and loving the look of the new ships!  

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8 years ago
Jan 24, 2017, 6:14:01 PM

Well, the Gnashast and the Tikanan will make a wonderful adition to my Craver buffe- I mean Empire! I meant Empire!

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8 years ago
Jan 25, 2017, 1:41:20 PM

Please put more focus on the possibility of true diplomacy with minors. Having them just spawn pirate fleets forever until you drown them in influence/dust or do a test is aggravating. Having minor factions act like true minor nations would gretly enhance gameplay. It doesn't even have to be in the base game, just as long as it happens at some point I'll be happy.

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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 7:18:05 AM
BlackBird1696 wrote:

Please put more focus on the possibility of true diplomacy with minors. Having them just spawn pirate fleets forever until you drown them in influence/dust or do a test is aggravating. Having minor factions act like true minor nations would gretly enhance gameplay. It doesn't even have to be in the base game, just as long as it happens at some point I'll be happy.


All minor factions have traits like 'agressive' or 'pacifist' yet still the pacifists send out pirates and attack you like mad. 

Two suggestions:

1. make pacifist minor factions less likely to attack/spawn fleets

2. make factions that already like you (sympathy bar is on the right green side) not attack your exploration/civilian ships until the bar is on the left red side. that way you could just spend influence to keep relations with a very agressive minor faction without having to assimilate it completely.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 8:12:33 AM

I'm sure there's a way to make it unique to ES2, but honestly, Civ VI did a phenomenal job with minor factions. It's too easy to just convert them instantly with influence/dust. Having to decide to invest in a relationship over time somehow vs. conquering them when they get annoying should be a meaningful choice. It would also be interesting if you could somehow access the ship schematics of races you assimilate into your empire. 

It would also be interesting if your ships (one of the primary graphical indicators of your level of technological advancement) changed their look and feel over time somehow. I doubt the Endless' ships when they first became space-faring looked anything like the ones they had during their final civil war or when they disappeared. I'm thinking back to Babylon 5 and how the younger races all had mechnical/boxy/techy ships, and the elder races all had at least partially organic looking ships.

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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 9:27:37 AM

Hey guys

Regarding the interactions with the Minor Factions, it's something we will be working on for Update 3!

Though we can't give you the specifics for now, don't worry we're on it


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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 10:53:22 AM

It's very good. New factions and other... but i still dont see huge galaxy with a fixed constellations. My lovely ring-galaxy is available, but i still dont have intruiges, agendas and strong AI, not just boosted.
 But i strongly recommend you spend more time in bug-report's part of forum.

With all love to you and all of your games

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