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8 years ago Jan 26,2017, 16:06:00 PM

[0.2.3] Horatio Update Now Live!

4 380 Views

Hey everyone!

Update 2 is now available for Endless Space 2 on Steam! Go try it out and let us know what you think. :)





  • Added a new major faction: the Horatio (more info on the Wiki Page
  • Implemented a new technology tree (more info on the Dev Blog)
  • Added Battle Play Cards
  • Reworked the game options menu
  • Added Advanced Culture in addition to Scavengers and Eucosial (Z'vali & Epistis are now advanced)
  • Added the Gnashast (Scavengers) minor faction
  • Added the Tikanan (Eusocial) minor faction
  • Added the Eyder, a scavenger minor faction created by the community
  • Added 5 new victory conditions:
    • Supremacy
    • Conquest
    • Science
    • Economy
    • Wonder
  • Added 2 new galaxy shapes:
    • 4-disks
    • Ring


  • Heroes skill levels don’t stack anymore
  • Added ads in the marketplace (WIP)
  • Added Dust Inflation effects on buyouts, retrofits, repair costs, marketplace prices
  • Added a Rebellion system
  • Added a Space port
  • Added a Migration system
  • Dictatorship can now use propaganda in star system to influence political orientation
  • Added population collection bonus when hitting certain thresholds
  • Updated the planet grid along the lines of temperature & biodiversity (previously temperature and humidity), along with terraforming process & FIDSI distribution
  • Implemented Supervisor (auto management of construction queue and population)
  • Quests:
    • Implemented the Horatio Chapter 1 and 2
    • Implemented the Sophons Chapter 3 and 4 (no Final Reward)
    • Implemented the Cravers Chapter 3 and 4 (no Final Reward)
    • Implemented the Lumeris Chapter 3 and 4 (no Final Reward)
    • Implemented the Vodyani Chapter 3 and 4 (no Final Reward)
    • Implemented the United Empire Chapter 3 and 4 (no Final Reward)
    • Achieving Minor Faction Quests with the Vodyani now doesn’t raze the Minor System but Brainwashes its population
    • Implemented 8 Deeds
    • Implemented 4 Wonders


  • Deck building:
    • Added 16 battle play cards in the game:
      • 5 cards by default for a deck of 3
      • Added technologies to increase deck size and unlock cards
      • Cards have more complex effects, useful or not depending on the situation
    • Added deck panel in the military screen sidebar:
      • Free deck changes every ten turns, otherwise it will cost influence
  • Before battle:
    • Added automated defensive fleet merging before battle
    • Added window to select which Empire to attack on a system
  • Advanced battle screen:
    • Changed the layout to highlight the play card choice
    • It is no longer possible to simulate your opponent’s plays:
      • Added the 3 last plays used against you by the opponent
    • Added drag and drop to move the ships between your flotillas:
      • Reduced minimum CP to unlock more flotillas
      • Added 3 sorting presets to sort the ships
      • Added locking state on ships to force them in a flotilla
      • Saved the fleet configurations from battle to battle
      • Added new ship icons to show the roles
    • Added 3 stats buttons to compare the 2 fleets:
      • Military power (as currently)
      • Energy / Projectile power (takes into account the weapon and defence)
      • Range compatibility
  • During battle:
    • Firing ranges are now fixed by phase:
      • There are 3 phases with the same duration
      • Ranges between peered flotillas are set based on the intentions (e.g. Short vs Long => Long, Medium, Short // Short vs Short => Short, Short, Short)
      • Peered flotilla is the priority target, other flotillas can be targeted based on distance
    • Improved Scan view:
      • Improved ship labels: the left-side gauge shows damage taken (with misses, shield damage reduction and hull plating), the right-side gauge shows damage inflicted (same details), shield gage is now around the HP gage
      • Added flotilla label when the camera is far away
      • Added trajectories and targeting on the galaxy floor (thickness of the line shows the DPS)
      • Added damage taken numbers above the ships
    • Added Flotillas HUD:
      • Shows a list of ships per flotilla (with HP state and destruction feedback) 
      • Shows the morale feedback (fleet gains bonus if there are more alive flotillas compared to the opponent)
    • Improved free cam:
      • Use shift to accelerate the camera move
      • Left click to lock the camera on a ship then use arrows or right click to rotate and mouse wheel to zoom
  • Data:
    • Reduced range penalties (especially lasers and slugs)
    • Reduced the energy / projectile “hard counter” effect (e.g. shields also slightly stop projectile weapons and never completely stop energy weapons)
    • Increased defence module efficiency
    • Temporary removed critical hit stats (waiting for an implementation fix and a better effect)
    • Added damage bonus for strategic weapons (waiting for exotic effects)
    • Multiplied cost and damage of the missile and beam weapons by 1.5
    • Global weapon damage balancing


  • Cravers can now close borders when the Militarists have a majority
  • The following terms are no longer blocked by the "Eternal War" trait: open/close borders, vision sharing, map sharing, trade agreement, science agreement. Note that most of these are already gated by the peace relation state, so it is redundant to block them directly
  • Eternal War no longer prevents empires from sending Dust to reduce pressure (the description of the trait only talks about peace)
  • Map sharing is no longer possible in Cold War


  • You can now rename planets that you colonise, except unique ones
  • Changed enemy plays display on Advanced battle setup screen
  • Improved diplomacy screen and truce notifications
  • Added a notification for rebellion
  • Added a modal panel for the system political event (accessible with a button in the system management)
  • Scan view economy has been modified (last stage added (system rank))
  • Changed position of the open political overview system button in the colony side panels
  • Changed how enemy plays are displayed


  • Added new skyboxes: Red Dwarf and Binary Solar System, 
  • Shield Fx has been improved
  • Added transition between ground battle notification and ground battle visual
  • Added special nodes: 
    • BlackHole
    • SolarNebular
    • SpaceCloud


  • Fleet behaviour tweaks: 
    • More reactive fleet mission
    • Mothership can now detach to attack
    • Invader ships wait to have full manpower to leave to attack
      Added buyout of system by influence
  • Added buyout of system by influence
  • First Spaceport use (only when system is over populated and unhappy)
  • A first version of the Migration has been implemented
  • the AI can now send civilian ships from systems to outposts
  • AI's desire for more systems increases as its planets are depleted (whether they are Cravers or not). AI will raze its worst depleted planets when over its over-colonization threshold
  • Added the ability to propose Open Borders in specific cases
  • AI now evaluates map exchange in diplomacy
  • Reinforced buying luxury when a rebellion is on the way
  • Forced root priority of buying resource to 1 instead of 0.2
  • AI now declares war before moving if the player closes its borders to the AI


  • Improved the overall stability and performance
  • Fixed several serious errors
  • Prevented the garrison button from being displayed uninitialised in some situations
  • Fixed Lumeris being able to colonize planets they haven't discovered yet
  • Fixed game speed multiplier being applied to Emperor's Will state
  • Fixed Benthys not using second assimilation trait. Improved tooltip for the trait
  • Image and description of unique planet are now related to the unique planet instead of its type
  • Fixed Outpost buyout button appearing on colonized systems
  • Updated Planet tooltip to display origin of effects, instead of grouping everything.
  • Fixed camera not zooming on fleets when the player does not own a system
  • Numerous minor fixes!


  • When playing as a Vodyani, the Supervisor will generate a crash


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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 4:19:29 PM
Any way to know what was improved upon between private and public builds?
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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 4:34:53 PM

Thanks a lot Amplitude, keep up the good work ! Looks good and will test this asap !

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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 5:44:30 PM

The game itself is much more interesting now, but I got a crush within about five minutes.

Strange, steam beta version used to be more stable...

I'll try a few more times.

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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 7:04:37 PM

I love the update, but it seems like something has happened to the Diplomatic party tabs, right here.


Is it just me or does it seem like the graph goes beyond the screen?  

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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 7:47:26 PM
Steph'nie wrote:


"This may be a detail for you,

But for me this was the thing to do,"

♪ ♫

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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 12:24:10 AM

There seems to be an issue regarding aspect ratio or resolution size on startup. I keep running into a problem where on the loading screen my screen almost zooms in making the game unplayable. 

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8 years ago
Jan 29, 2017, 3:16:17 AM

The update 2 is great and addressed many bugs and introducing the Horatio. But alas the tech tree is not improved from the preview version. 

After the game update 2 I have noticed the number of heroes available in the marketplace is dwindled greatly and there acquiring price is increased. Is it intentional? Or be remedied later? I suggest there should be at least one hero per discovered minor faction and one hero per discovered major faction is needed in the marketplace.

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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 2:41:38 AM

Huge amount of Influence accumulated in the late game for the factions other than the United Empire cannot be utilized anyway. The cost for senate actions or diplomatic actions is not that big while you are generating 900/1000 influence per turn. There should be a tech or some other way to utilise the excess Influence for each faction. There may be unique ways for each factions but there should be at least a way. 

Secondly there should be number of unique technologies for each faction which co-relate to their theme. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 3, 2017, 2:56:32 PM

One thing economic victory seems to be too easy. Besides that 2,5 seems to be free of bigger flaws. Though one thing that I expected to be improvd but it wasnt is slow leveling of fleet commanders but i guess there is still some hope...

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