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8 years ago Feb 22,2017, 17:11:55 PM

Opbot - The Story So Far

1 724 Views

Note: non contractual pictures!

When you chose Opbot DV8 to be the hero from Dungeon of the Endless to join the cast of Heroes in Endless Space 2, you didn't know which mysterious circumstances had allowed it to traverse time and space and somehow, millennia later, to get on the map again.

It's now time for you to decide what has been Opbot's recent past, which will change everybody's favorite murdersurgeonbot's skill trees!

The vote is going on over on our Votes section, for the next two weeks!

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8 years ago
Feb 22, 2017, 5:38:18 PM

He is definetly getting around, eh? Voted for Uplifter, cause it would be interesting to see Opbot as a uplifter, given he should have the knowledge for it, thanks to his age and experience.

And also - it could lead to interesting developments, taking into account his history. ;P

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8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 12:30:12 AM

I'm really happy that he's coming around again for Endless Space 2 haha. It was hard for me to decide between Rogue Uplifter and Production Comptroller.. but regardless, I'm really excited to see how it all turns out! Really looking forward to his development.

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8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 12:53:43 AM

I think I like the story presented in Production Comptroller best, but I can't pass up that hat.

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