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8 years ago Mar 09,2017, 16:01:55 PM

G2G vote results & Playtest selection

3 462 Views

Hello everyone,

Today we've got two pieces of news we'd like to talk about: the results from our Opbot origin story vote, and a brief update on the upcoming April playtests! We're also debuting Opbot's portrait, picture above, and we hope you like it!

Opbot - The Story So Far results

When you chose Opbot DV8 to be the hero from Dungeon of the Endless to join the cast of Heroes in Endless Space 2, you didn't know which mysterious circumstances had allowed it to traverse time and space and somehow, millennia later, to get on the map again. Two weeks ago, we asked you to decide what had happened to him in-between Endless Legend and Endless Space 2.

Here are the results!


And the winner is... Rogue Uplifter!

Rogue Uplifter

Class: Corporate

Faction Type: Primitives

Operating an early recon mission, Academy scouts were exceedingly surprised to discover that a promising species of pre-sentients had, within the span of a few generations, gone from huddling in mud hovels to trying their hand at space exploration. Investigating this extraordinary technological leap, the scouts eventually met a battered robot who introduced itself as Opbot DV8. It explained that after drifting through space for quite a bit and subsequently crashing on this planet, it was rescued by the natives. As they were friendly but of limited intellectual reach, Opbot decided to help them "get there faster," and declined to share more details on the process.

Playtesters selection process

We are finalizing the selection for our playtest session on April 3-7! The lucky few will be contacted before the end of the week. Thanks to those of you who volunteered, we had way more applicants than expected! The selection process proved tough, but once again if you're not lucky this time, fear not: the playtest session will be conducted on Update 3, which will be available by that time already!

More on that topic... soon?

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8 years ago
Mar 9, 2017, 4:32:26 PM

Love all aspects of opbot that the vote had, I just wish there was more reference to his time  with Zoyla and the vaulters.  Apart of me wishes he/it stayed with the vaulters, watching over the decedent's of Zoyla in a sense of duty to her and her comrades.

Please excuse my spelling and whatnot I think I'm turning into a fan boy.

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8 years ago
Mar 9, 2017, 5:14:44 PM

Yes, he's Uplifter now! :D

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8 years ago
Mar 13, 2017, 8:56:06 AM

That's so weird....
Opbot was a production/administrator character in dungeon :/...
Why did people made him a rogue instead of a production :/
There is no sense in this community vote .___.

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8 years ago
Mar 13, 2017, 10:17:56 AM

Opbot in DotE was clearly a resourceful character not above lying/deceiving to further its own goals. That much is clearly shown, and with that in mind, any of the above activities could have become a necessity for it to remain active all these years, and slide right back into our field of view with Endless Space 2.

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8 years ago
Mar 15, 2017, 10:19:08 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Opbot in DotE was clearly a resourceful character not above lying/deceiving to further its own goals. That much is clearly shown, and with that in mind, any of the above activities could have become a necessity for it to remain active all these years, and slide right back into our field of view with Endless Space 2.

Opbot is a consummate survivor, though the Opbot of EL had already greatly matured from the maverick rogue with a doubtful history that we knew in DotE...

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