Hey everyone,

Now that the PC Gamer Weekender, GDC and PAX East are behind us, we're happy to finally announce that Update 3 for Endless Space 2 is coming to Steam on March 23, with the addition of a new major faction: the Riftborn!

Amongst other features and improvements, we're also super excited to release the Multiplayer mode (with up to 8 players in total), new solar winds, nebulas and trading ships bringing more life to the galaxy, AI improvements in Diplomacy and Battle, tweaks to the Battle System and Technology Tree, a tutorial for “Advanced” players, and more!


The Riftborn are the seventh playable faction in Endless Space 2 and also completely new to the Endless universe. Their gameplay revolves around a unique mechanic: the control of time, which they use to their advantage and to completely change the course of the game. 

"Hailing from an alternate dimension orthogonal to the Endless universe, the Riftborn would've happily led out their abstract, timeless existences entirely ignorant of galactic strife, were it not for a breach that precipitated a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Like a poisoned blade slashed deep into clean flesh, the rift acted as a source of terrible disorder in the Riftborn's pristine, geometrical universe. Desperate, unable to halt the disease's advance no matter what they tried, the Riftborn took the last available course of action that might lead to their survival: Together with their strange time-shifting abilities, they stepped into the Endless universe."

Leadership: Grand Viceroy of New Coroz

The Riftborn's highest authority in the Endless universe belongs to the Grand Viceroy of New Coroz. Although ultimately answering to the Communion back in the home dimension of Coroz, the Grand Viceroy wields singular executive power, and is invested with the authority to make unilateral decisions as the situation demands. Given the blight spreading through Coroz, the hostile environment, and the presence of unknown enemies, it is no surprise that the Communion's choice for Grand Viceroy came from what could be considered the Riftborn's closest thing to a peaceful race's military elite--a High Custodian. Tenacious and capable, the Grand Viceroy doesn’t know how the Riftborn will find salvation, but they will do everything in their power to make it so.

Homeworld: Vanguard

Upon arrival in the galaxy, the Riftborn settled on a snow-covered world that they named Vanguard. Like the rest of the universe they find themselves in, they have little love for the planet, yet in its pristine, white snowfields they find an echo of their own universe, Coroz. Less a home, and more a staging ground for further explorations, the Riftborn inhabit a small corner of the world with order and vigour.

Society: Breach Provisional Authority

The Riftborn who have ventured from their home dimension of Coroz and sheathed themselves in quasi-robotic forms are composed of a mixture of the race's most capable thinkers, engineers, and fighters. On Vanguard they are organized in what might be recognized as a semi-military structure, and their day to day life reflects this reality. Unlike Coroz, where Riftborn life used to revolve around serenity, contemplation, and the higher arts, in the Endless universe every Riftborn is striving to contribute to the effort to understand and eradicate the blight. Construction, exploration, and investigation feature heavily as the Riftborn build the foundations for further scrutiny of the Endless universe.

Find out more about the Riftborn on the Official Wiki.


We'll detail the new features of Update 3 in the upcoming days, but here are some screenshots to keep you waiting!


Tune in later today, at 5pm Paris time / 4pm GMT on Twitch to discover Update 3 and the Riftborn faction in action: Twitch.tv/AmplitudeStudios