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7 years ago Apr 21,2017, 15:31:53 PM

Explore -- Update 3 in numbers

2 894 Views

Hey everyone!

Thanks for taking part in the Early Access! The release date is closing in on us at alarming speed, and while the number of days until May 19th is going down, other numbers tend to be going... up? We thought it would be interesting to give you an insight into a few select stats since Update 3 launched last month. Without further ado, Update 3 in numbers!

However, we all know that data isn't as fun as anecdotes, so please tell us: how do you fare compared to the average player?

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7 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 1:32:11 PM
AngelicStorm wrote:

With all that buyout power, it's no surprise that the UE is the most popular. I'm happy the Vodyani are a popular race on higher difficulties because I've been rocking them since day one and I was afraid they weren't getting a lot of love.

Vodyani are the 1st race I played and are still my favorite I love how unique they are :) It still think there are.  I can't wait till official release as I hope that fixes some of the interaction bugs they have in regards to minor factions etc.

I also hope they will be able to pacifically convert planets as they have unique tech to make so much influence and the final religious law suits their design so much but currently with the inability to pacifically convert it seems useless to them yet they are most likely to get the final religious law which almost makes being able to generate so much influence redundant unless I am missing something that is?

I would have thought they would Enlight lesser planets to throw off the shakles of thier current rulers and become a seperate minor faction to worship the Vodyani and tribute dust science and essence to the greater good of the church.

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7 years ago
May 6, 2017, 6:25:18 PM
HerrVoennchen wrote:
Tingeltangelflo wrote:

People need to play more lumeris

Very true. I often start a game with at most random parameters as possible, but Lumeris became often the my race to play. And they are expecially for beginners pretty easy since at first glance you just need to focus on money to expand because they don't need a colonization ship.

The challange later is to bump up their millitary strength.

Lumeris are my favorite along with United Empire. UE feels much stronger, but I love not having to use colony ships in the early game.

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7 years ago
May 5, 2017, 5:50:42 PM
Meedoc wrote:
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

We're looking into it :)

I have a good idea. It still needs a bit work by you guys but you may want to look at it. "Cravers Specific Goverment" https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/497-cravers-specific-goverment

It came to my mind that the Cravers are basicly the uniquest Faction in the game, but unlike UE or Vodyani or Riftborn don't have any real "exeptional" gameplaysystem...or however you want to call it. Yes they have Slaves but unless you are at war with everything  it's more like a huge bumper for the Player. Give them a unique Playstyle. their own goverment. 

They are MADE to FIGHT!  Your own Introvideo says that so why in the world do they have to care for Pacifist Political Ideologys? Or why do they vote anyways? They are basicly an Ant Nest. The leader orders them to jump and the Drones jump without question. Only a little few exeptions aren't like the rest.

Please Devs. Read my idea and think about it. I love the Cravers to much :D

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7 years ago
May 2, 2017, 10:26:16 PM
RainyDays wrote:

I think the main reason people don't play Cravers so much is the happiness issue, with no way to purge other species (Because of the slaver trait Cravers have), in addition to the rapid expansion Cravers demand, it's very hard to keep happiness up in the mid-game. So most people would rather just play as factions that don't have this issue.

You do have a way to purge population.  Using Chain Gang Program (turns 300 food or 1 Pop into 300 manpower) is a must, either you eat other faction pops or you eat your Cravers to keep the peace. You're almost always going to be making warships as the Cravers, which puts the manpower from Chain Gang to use, and it also increases support for the militarist party, which has laws that increase approval for being at war with other major empires (the forced Militarist law, and Us or Them). I haven't run into too many approval problems when utilizing this along with leader skills/approval buildings/transvine. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 1, 2017, 10:40:11 AM

I feel like the statistic on which victory was the one most achieved in all games was left out because it would've been 99.8% Economic Victory.

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7 years ago
Apr 30, 2017, 7:15:45 PM

Cravers have the problem that their science level is too low. You remember the sowers from last game, kind'a like that. I think its good that their slower in science,

but they should have more technologies unlocked at beginning, that would make the research decision a lot more important and give them the starting kick.

After all, getting them to run with low approval (because of slavery) is hard to do and basically you keep researching civil rights and supermarkets and stuff, which you really don't want to do.

About that victory at turn 142 is it an economic victory or just a stat based of all the victories together?

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7 years ago
Apr 30, 2017, 4:37:58 AM

I'm actually not a huge fan of the Vodiyani actually. It's more annoying the AI doesn't know how to play, but honestly they just aren't fun to play even when you know the mechanics.

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7 years ago
Apr 26, 2017, 7:50:26 PM

While UE is my favorites (cause humanity FTW) I actually quite like the Cravers a lot. I'm not very good at the diplomacy game. I struggle with diplomacy a lot. Always feel like I'm getting a raw deal with the AI.

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7 years ago
Apr 26, 2017, 5:33:35 PM
Tingeltangelflo wrote:

People need to play more lumeris

First time starting up ES2, i started with lumeris, they are incredibly fun to play as your dust income racks up your expansion climbs, in return your expansion boosts aswell, they´re the broken lords of endless space

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7 years ago
Apr 26, 2017, 7:27:39 AM
Tingeltangelflo wrote:

People need to play more lumeris

Very true. I often start a game with at most random parameters as possible, but Lumeris became often the my race to play. And they are expecially for beginners pretty easy since at first glance you just need to focus on money to expand because they don't need a colonization ship.

The challange later is to bump up their millitary strength.

Any way very fun to play. 

In my current game the Vodyani are my friends... pretty weird :D

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7 years ago
Apr 24, 2017, 4:33:16 PM
Meedoc wrote:
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

We're looking into it :)

I don't know if the Cravers should get a buff or not, but they definitely need a change of some sort. Maybe it's their playstyle? Or perhaps the debuff they get just isn't working out. I mean, when I invade liberate other empires I'm far happier to get a Lumeris pop than a Cravers pop.

Also, "Turns to achieve Victory: 137". I feel incredibly slow by comparison. My games usually last at least 200 turns... until the game crashes xD

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 24, 2017, 4:11:24 PM
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

I think the main reason people don't play Cravers so much is the happiness issue, with no way to purge other species (Because of the slaver trait Cravers have), in addition to the rapid expansion Cravers demand, it's very hard to keep happiness up in the mid-game. So most people would rather just play as factions that don't have this issue.

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7 years ago
Apr 24, 2017, 4:08:44 PM

Vodyani certainly are the hardest. I want to main them but I'm struggling, so for now I'm maining Horatio. 

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7 years ago
Apr 24, 2017, 2:08:52 AM

Ya so far i played vodyani , united empire , and riftborn .. I really cant tell which one needs balancing cause the GOD DAMN game never reaches late game cause either my saved games wont load anymore , or it crashes ...!

But I can still make a few points on those races .. early game voyani seems to be craving both dust & influence and military wise they get a rough start, mid game they get more powerfull if you survive pirate onslaught.


united empire seems to advance very rapidly early and mid game by erecting buildings and unlocking tech, it seems their powerfull early game. The riftborn seems very slow early game, and mid-game gets somewhat better 

but not enough since the time ripple ability doesn't quite make that much of an impact in my opinion , maybe tweak it a bit. But I guess people have to adapt their military by rigging their ships differently if you experience 

fleet battle loses to often against pirates or other factions, unless they have better weapons or defense modules researched.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 23, 2017, 11:20:22 AM
Meedoc wrote:
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

We're looking into it :)

They are too peaceful...

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7 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 9:27:21 AM

The UE is also popular because it is one of the new factions as we consider the last month.

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7 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 8:52:08 AM
MorallyGray wrote:

To update your reason why people play Empire, its because they are broken as hell. They are popular due to their strength.


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7 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 6:16:29 AM

Well in my opinion cravers are quite fun to play and they become really strong very fast, too.  Like Chinpanze wrote their playstyle is possibly not as appealing to most players as other factions'. :)

Chinpanze wrote:
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

This is all about popularity, not about win rate. From all my multiplayer games (my game group is casual) no one ever picked Cravers.
The concept of early game warmongers is not as apeling as building a big empire. Even when I want to play agressive I would rethar play as united empire because i love the concept of space communism.

That being said, their design is great for A.I. controled opponent. They make the game intersting since the beggining. 

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7 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 2:50:28 AM
Meedoc wrote:
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

We're looking into it :)

Also don't buff them. They are fine the way they are. All they need, and other players need, is to somehow replenish their planets. Add a late-mid game system ability, like convert to science or dust, to roll back planet exploitation and they will quickly fit into the meta. Easy fix.

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7 years ago
Apr 22, 2017, 2:47:58 AM

To update your reason why people play Empire, its because they are broken as hell. They are popular due to their strength.

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 6:33:18 PM

Happy to be part of that 4% Craver populous.  They never did feel that underpowered (to me anyway), especially after that small change to dictatorship reps.

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 5:14:41 PM
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

This is all about popularity, not about win rate. From all my multiplayer games (my game group is casual) no one ever picked Cravers.
The concept of early game warmongers is not as apeling as building a big empire. Even when I want to play agressive I would rethar play as united empire because i love the concept of space communism.

That being said, their design is great for A.I. controled opponent. They make the game intersting since the beggining. 

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 4:13:34 PM

With all that buyout power, it's no surprise that the UE is the most popular. I'm happy the Vodyani are a popular race on higher difficulties because I've been rocking them since day one and I was afraid they weren't getting a lot of love.

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 3:55:46 PM
Tnecniw wrote:
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

Could just be that their playstyle is very tricky to do? xD

That's why you play Cravers as a pacifist. 

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 3:54:37 PM

Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

Could just be that their playstyle is very tricky to do? xD

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 3:48:33 PM
Zennock wrote:

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

We're looking into it :)

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7 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 3:41:10 PM

Does this mean that the Cravers deserve a buff?

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