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7 years ago May 31,2017, 13:01:00 PM

Lesson Learned

7 383 Views

Dear community,

Thank you all for being here, with us. Some of you have supported us for nearly 5 years now, since we came out of nowhere with Endless Space. It has been a great journey and a pleasure to have you guys beside us: we are constantly learning how to craft the best games, thanks to your feedback and all the interesting discussions we have on Games2Gether. One thing we were very proud of was to create not only deep and rich games, but also games that were very solid and stable even in Early Access.

That said, the way last patch release came out was a mistake on our part, and for that we wanted to apologize.

We were so excited and hyped by what Endless Space 2 was becoming, that we clearly overlooked quite a few issues lurking in the shadows… and not necessarily minor ones, unfortunately. As veteran game developers, we know how destructive it can be to a game to overlook bug polish.

When two weeks ago we shipped Endless Space 2, our intention was to blast right out the gates and keep adding improvements, fixing bugs and generally making the game better. The last sprint to release had been a bit of a rush to implement community feedback in the last days of the Early Access. This, however, came at the expense of proper testing. Taken aback by the amount of things that needed a quick fix, we rushed to address all issues and issued as quickly as possible a patch to fix most pressing problems and make everyone happy. As we all know, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and this patch turned a “not so good situation” into a “far worse situation”, with the AI entering a deadlock status for many players who had previously been unaffected.

That’s on us. We messed up. We are really sorry.

From now on, we will be more careful in the testing of our patches, in order to avoid reproducing the same mistakes in the future. We have since provided a hotfix (1.0.52) that seems to have fixed these pending turns issues, and allowed us to resume work on the game. 

We will of course continue to fix issues arising from thousands of hours of play, and we have already planned another hotfix that should remove a rare hang in ground battles as well as multiplayer fixes that were tested in update 1.0.6. preview. Balancing is also a priority: our factions are very asymmetrical, and we are constantly focusing on balancing them based on all your comments and feedback.

This is again just the beginning of a long adventure together, and we are so sorry for any inconvenience, for those of you who wanted to spend your week-end with Endless Space 2, alone or with friends in the Endless galaxy. We count on you to keep your faith in us, and for as long as you will be on our side, we promise you that we’ll keep making incredibly rich, fun, and beautiful games in the Endless universe… and beyond! 

Thank you,

Amplitude Studios

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 10:13:38 PM

You guys haven't lost my support or respect yet. I'm looking forward to what's in store for the game in the months to come.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 6:15:59 PM

Classy of you, Amplitude, to recognize the misstep.  I am absolutely confident that ES2 will blossom beautifully like EL and potentially beyond :)

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 6:23:36 PM

Sure, all those bugs were annoying, but the game is getting better and better, so I don't mind too much. 

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 6:33:18 PM

We understand, althogether what you have achieved is amazing! But does anyone know when fighters will be included?

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 6:42:47 PM

You might consider the first release of a new version go to a Beta opt-in channel on Steam first, for say a week, so early adopters can jump right in if they want, but there's also a change for major bugs to be caught because the patch goes out to the full player base.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 6:49:06 PM

i really enjoy every minute i play this game and i am very proud to be in possession of the EARLY ACCESS of this MASTERPIECE !! you have done a grat job  well done and hat up, keep it up

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 7:05:51 PM

We are the ones that should be thanking you for your work and your attitude. You are doing wonderful games, treating the followers like no other company i have ever seen. And if you make a mistake like this time, you apologise and recognize it like responsable, honest and good willed people. Keep up the good work, you have a good number of fans that love what you do and are really grateful with you for doing it. Personally, i consider your company one of the best in this videogame world, and i trust you. 

Again, thank you!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 8:52:03 PM

Thank you for taking this seriously and not acting like nothing happened. I hope you will hunt down those bugs and per each 10 killed you will give birth to only 1 new.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 9:45:08 PM

I can wait, but I said it before and I say it again: I think your Official Releae was a mistake. You should have let the game stay in Early Access for another year.

And I'm glad you took your time to apologies. 

That said, keep it up and do your work.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 9:49:29 PM

Everyone makes mistakes, you apologise, react and do what it's need to be done. That the best way to do. Being human and talk about it.
Regarding to all the comments of this post, it's clear that you do the right thing, don't give up. I think that many of us will just gonna love you even more for this kind of behavior.
At least I will.

I don't talk a lot on this forum but that need to be said.
Thank for you job.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 5:42:07 PM

I have never spent any money so well. Endless Space 2 is one of the greatest games I ever played. And there's more coming. Thank you.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 5:42:30 AM

... we promise you that we’ll keep making incredibly rich, fun, and beautiful games in the Endless universe… and beyond

Does this mean Amplitude intends to make games in the future that has nothing to do with the Endless universe? I am intrigued by this, but first moar Endless Space 2!!! :D

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 7:02:12 AM


Playing videogames since 1985, when my father brought home a Laser 200 computer, NEVER seen this before.

This is a responsability demostration. You really show us that you are worried about community and not only making money. Indeed I understand you need the money, but this is a side effect of making good games.

You dind't just release, sold as copies as possible and forgot all that, you fixed in less than two weeks, and apologized (say again: never seen before) to non-content players.

You deserve to succes with this and all you future games.

You can count with me in future EA (of course as long as I like game genere, won't be in FPS...)

My best wishes for you.

Said that, hope next time you don't rush release, and let people in EA (or at least VIPs) a one-week trial of the final version, to ensure there are no game breaking bugs.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 7:16:21 AM

Thank you for your honest communication with the community.

One of the important things that much other developers don't bother about any more.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 3:53:13 PM

Just keep going and made it! Bugs is not so good for game experience, but happens, with your apologies it is glad to see that you care so much about your community and your Universe. I really love this stories, this amazing gameplay, so i don't care about your mistakes, because i know that you can fix it, my favourite devs in all time!
By the way, sorry for my nearly bad english, i would appreciate if anyone will help me with my mistakes.

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 7:22:52 PM

I lost my first game file because of this mistake, but your polite attitude is what really matters and what makes you different from the other gaming developers. Endless Space 2 is already very good and I see myself playing it for several dozens hours already. I hope you keep the good work and, especially, keep listening to your clients and community which is honestly what makes you the best.

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7 years ago
Jun 3, 2017, 3:23:26 PM

I accept this because you try really fast to solve this problem, and because this is an awesome game, keep learning and make more awesome games in the future!

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7 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 2:34:23 PM

As long as this tittle does not turn into a DLC cashcow, let the premature release be forgiven.

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7 years ago
Jun 25, 2017, 12:05:20 AM

I have to say, maybe im too new but I have yet to run into a bug but it is refreshing that a game developer keeps you informed. I am on the same side as others when I say better to get it right then rush it. Too many games get rushed and come up losing in the end, I shall not mention No Man's Something. I think you guys are doing great I am not a huge fan of turn based but all I saw in this game made me say ok I will try it and so far I love it, I havent a clue what I am doing yet but I am having fun learning.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 1:18:20 PM

Is told that we learn more from error than from sucess.

You really focused on a grave bug (or group of issues that had the same result), and got it patched out fairly quick.

Also you respect your customers, and apologize instead of ego, rants or ignore behaviours.

Can't ask for much more, what's done is done but you took the most honest path to get out of there.

Thanks Amplitude and keep up the good work!

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 1:28:01 PM

Thanks for your transparency.
People these days can't wait a week to see fixes, but it's better to avoid bugs with more intern testing aswell !

I'm following you since Endless Space and never be desappointed by you.
In you I trust Amplitude.

Good luck for the fixes ! 

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 1:35:06 PM

Never lost faith in you, Amplitude! Keep on delivering!

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 1:38:09 PM

I was impacted by the pending turn bug, but I thought your response was great. Mistakes happen in every walk of life, and one mistake isn't the end of the world.

I'm sure some people won't see it the same way but given your track record and the quality that your studio consistently produces, I'm not going to throw a tantrum over it. You have earned goodwill over a significant period of time, and you seem to do things the right way so I'm sure, as you've stated, that you will learn from this in the future.

All the best, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do in the future!

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 2:06:38 PM

Great job on the game. I love it.  I have absolutely faith and respect for you guys.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 2:14:50 PM

It's hard to be mad at you guys when everything you've done has been for the game and all of us in the community. Keep up the good work, Amplitude. 

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 2:33:05 PM

Thank you for the apology. I think this is the first time EVER, that I have seen one from a game developer!  Usually, they just blame the publisher for having to meet a deadline or something silly.

I have done some pretty in-depth game AI game modding and it required lots of testing, the hard part was testing beyond turn 100.  However, it seems that most game breaking bugs develop in this game after that.  Maybe it is the continuation of the game after a Victory condition is met..who knows but later game testing is needed. Do you have the game setup where you can have the AI play the game (all players) for the first 100 turns then a tester take over? If not then you should implement this immediately. 

We all do make mistakes, but at release, you have to be sure!! even if it means a delay. Lesson learned!

You guys have my vote! Keep this attitude and love for the community and I will buy your games for life!

You have my respect and loyalty

HERE is a BIG HUG for you guys


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 3:07:08 PM

How could we be mad at you guys when you guys gave a real (albeit temporary) solution just days after the release? Really, there are not many developers out there that will react as fast as you guys! The fact that you developers made a dedicated beta just for those who encountered the problem gives volume about how you really care about your fans and customers out there.

Keep going, Amplitude! Like the guys up there have said, we have faith and respect for you guys! Bravo!

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 3:28:10 PM

Hi, as Dev too, I understand what you did in the last steps, but it was the wrong way. Too much changes with too much features, and not enough times for testing it.

Fast tests show everything look ok, but it's wrong.

So, it was not the time to make so much changes, just a definitive validation process and test, then release like it is.


Stay in early access, and let players test that.

Any of these 2 decisions could avoid you a decrease of your excellent reputation as game producer. 

As the fix was really quick, I think it should be ok, and meanly players from early access have been penalized for a very short time, so it's not so dramatic. 

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 1:18:04 PM

Thank YOU for making this game (and the others Endless), I'm sure you all try your best and an error can be done by anyone. 

I'm already expecting all the fix, improvements and additional content that this game will have, thank you :)

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 4:10:46 PM

It's all ok. Don't worry about about critics, we know you Amplitude, you always fix and polish everything. Keep up the good work!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 4:34:01 PM

I like the way how this is communicated. Also thx for posting this on reddit as i'm not here that often. 

Be careful about balancing. It's a time sink and I know modding communities which still balance 20 year old 4x games to this very day.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 4:45:57 PM

Of course it's frustrating to encounter major bugs or other hellish issues but it's way less weighty when we know that a good studio is behind one of your favorite game. I played Endless Space 2 a lot since its release and I enjoyed it even with issues. From now, I'm waiting for you guys to fix it and then I'll resume my game!

I always have fully trust in you, Amplitude. I know you will make everything to touch the perfection for us and for that, I'll always be one of your most devoted fan. Even if I'm not really active over here.

Keep it up boyz! :)

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 4:49:18 PM

Endless Space has been my favorite strategy game since StarCraft in 1998. I've spent more time in ES1 than any other & so far ES2 has not disappointed. Bug & maligned hotfixes are an annoyance, but Amplitude Games has been an amazing company. I can't speak for anyone besides myself: you still retain my trust & appreciation.

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 5:07:43 PM

Mistakes happen, the good thing is you learned a lesson and will do better in the future.

I have one small advice: start systematically releasing patches only on Mondays. That way if something unexpected and critical comes up you have the rest of the workweek to make an emergency hotfix, no need to worry about which member (or any) of your team can be called in to work overnight or during a holiday.

It was unforseeable that the patch you'd send out just before a 4 day holiday would make things much worse. But you could have expected that there would be no one at the office to fix anything, if something goes wrong.

By the way, you're doing a great job in working openly with the community and sharing info. This helps not only with reassuring players but also brainstorming solutions. I'm thinking of this thread in particular as an example. In it you mention

Also one of the cool features we added is the computation of four  suggested technologies at the beginning of the turn. This is actually a  complex algorithm which analyzes the player empire needs, and it was  computed all the same for the AI, which already has a research  computation. So we have removed this for the AI.

I remember people asking for suggested technologies during early access. And you made it happen, that's great. But if you had kept silent that it was made possible through a complex algorith that requires a lot of computation each turn then, I think, no one would have mentioned that there are players who do not need suggested technologies and would be quite happy to have an option to turn this off so that their computers can compute turns a bit faster. Moral of the story: open development leads to unexpected and spontaneous good ideas.

Keep up the good work and Make ES2 Stable Again :P

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7 years ago
May 31, 2017, 5:19:48 PM

No problem :) 

Beatifull ilustration by the way !

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