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7 years ago Jul 06,2017, 15:01:26 PM

A story about time

1 293 Views

Hey everyone,

We often get requests for some more material to dive into the Endless Universe outside of the games. Something to keep immersing oneself into the lives of heroes and villains, as a hero holding a standard or a fly on the wall... So we listened and thought real hard about vignettes that could capture the spirit of each civilization in Endless Space 2. Comics seemed a great material to convey an atmosphere, and we hope you like these. In this third installment in our series, set in the vast reaches of space, an Academy away team makes a discovery that is... out of this world.

Better than the A team!

Slowhands, lead writer on the project, with some more insight into the story:

We had a basic problem with the Riftborn comic as the universe from which they come is completely different (you'll know what I mean if you watch their trailer). They are beings from another dimension, so visually and as far as presenting society and individuals it would be eight pages of incomprehensible weirdness. We figured that this would not make for very appealing entertainment.
So we took a different tack, realizing that it would be more pragmatic to show the Riftborn from the point of view of beings similar to us. So early in the next attempt at story construction we decided that it would be about heroes meeting the Riftborn for the first time. Initially the comic showed some heroes exploring their base camp, but that was a relatively static situation full of discussions concerning the nature of time anomalies.
Again, not so exciting.
So we drank too much coffee, got a little crazy, and came up with this. When in doubt, add Cravers and stir vigorously.

Just click it.

We hope you like this third installment, because there's still more to come! If you have any questions or comments, you can shoot them in this thread at Arkel, who leads the project!

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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 7:42:32 PM

Caught in the Alien Unfamiliar Atmosphere of the Riftborn with a well-chosen scene and clever use of their time manipulation. love it!

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7 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 9:20:00 PM

Hah, I hate backward time travels because "that's not possible", but this one is funny.

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7 years ago
Jul 8, 2017, 3:10:35 PM

As I read your introduction, I got a little bit worried for a moment. However, the coffee definitely paid out. I love first contact stories. Lots of guesses, chatter, general cluelessness. If done well, these kind of stories are some of my favourites. But I think that they're something for larger installments, probably a series of comics where you can introduce and develop characters. For such a short strip, you guys chosen well to change the comic.

I mean, what's not to love? A first contact story, an unknown race in an unknown vessel. Heroes of different races, a time loop and last but not least even Cravers! What a combination!

And so well done!

I'm amazed. :) You guys rock - just noticed the lead writer is Mr. Spock. haha. It just gets better and better. :D

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 9, 2017, 10:49:07 PM

I like it, as was pointed out already, first contact situations and time loops are cool, but it took me a bit(as in untill the characters pointed it out) that time was frozen around the Riftborn. Obviously show not tell for lack of movement is not reasonably doable in comics, especially when they're supposed to remain uniformly compact. I also feel similar about the alien design of the ship, but I think that's more me somehow having normalized everything up to the most alien aliens I can think off rather than something than something in the comic.

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7 years ago
Jul 15, 2017, 3:07:40 PM

Loved the comic. Is it me or does the history imply that...


The Academy crew will die at the end because the Riftborn are very protective of their secrets.

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