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7 years ago Jul 27,2017, 13:31:37 PM

Visions of grandeur

1 180 Views

Hey everyone,

We often get requests for some more material to dive into the Endless Universe outside of the games. Something to keep immersing oneself into the lives of heroes and villains, as a hero holding a standard or a fly on the wall... So we listened and thought real hard about vignettes that could capture the spirit of each civilization in Endless Space 2. Comics seemed a great material to convey an atmosphere, and we hope you like these. In this fourth installment in our series, set on a familiar planet, a crack team of survivors tries to get to the next level.

StoryEngine, Slowhands' favorite henchman, tells us what's what:

Bringing the Horatio comic to the page has been a long journey, but we're immensely proud to finally get to show you the fruits of our labour. Perhaps we should have always expected this story to be a difficult one to realise, given that our central character is a vain, arrogant--but brilliant-- megalomaniac! Even in the wonderfully diverse and crazy Endless universe, Horatio has always been something of an outlier--an entire civilization of clones founded on one man's ego and drive--and when you really begin unpacking such concepts, it's important to try and give as much consistency and coherence to the idea as possible. Do the Horatio clones share the original Horatio's hunger for power? What is their basic social structure? How do they recognise one another as individuals?
In fact, the first incarnation of the story told the lead-up to the questline that can be played in the game itself: how Horatio precipitated a crisis when he created five "super-clones" who were as smart and devious and power-hungry as himself. The trouble was, in a very visual medium, it was very easy to lose track of which character was which when they're all doppelgängers of one another.
So we scrapped that, headed back to square one.
And found a piece of artwork from the original game that held a great deal of power: Horatio defeated.
We decided that it was a vision--a vision that had inspired and driven and haunted Horatio--and one that had led him on his grandest ambition: to create a civilization in his own image among the stars.
A vision that led him to Auriga . . .
Mix-in Dungeon of the Endless and we had our story.

Just click it.

The Horatio comic concludes our first series. We hope you liked it! If you have any questions or comments, you can shoot them in this thread at Arkel, who leads the project! 

Copied to clipboard!
7 years ago
Jul 28, 2017, 12:34:18 AM

I seriously want to know what you have for the Cravers. Do you make them the All Eating Monster we all know and love, or do you put more depth into it. 

Do they hate the Endless. 

Do they seek redemption or freedom.

Do they seek a way out of their current life.

Or do you just make them fight over and over and over?

I'm terribly interested. Even more...I seriously want to know how old the Cravers actually are. WE know the Endless created them within the Dust War right? Than the V. Endless failed to exterminate them. The Craver Autocrathy seems to be even older than any other Empire in the Endless Universe....or am I wrong?

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7 years ago
Aug 22, 2017, 4:06:32 PM
Ashbery76 wrote:

So horatio is a tosser basically.

Let's just say he's a rather self-centered individual who doesn't let other things get in the way of his plans.

AmadeusReborn wrote:

So I decided to look into how connected this was. I don't know everything about the endless lore, so sorry if this has been pointed out previously, but...

Fun fact: If you check out the files being downloaded from Auriga's servers here https://youtu.be/sGJuViaIdfA?t=113 in the dungeon of the endless intro (2014), you'll notice there are 3 files we can see being retriebed. "Dry Soil Genome Bioproject", "DNA Multiplicity Invitro(?) Case File", and "Accelerated Recovery Experiment File". Each of these corresponds to faction traits of ES1 Horatio (AridEpigenics/SoilXenobiology, Hero Cloning/Cloning, and + 50% Fatigue Recovery on Hero /- 50% Healing Cost on Hero. ). This seems to point to Horatio being the one downloading the files here, just as indicated in the comic.

You guys had this planned all along, didn't you?

I cannot tell you how happy I am that someone dug out this little nugget. I have been waiting three years for this!


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7 years ago
Aug 10, 2017, 6:52:32 PM

Kaada wrote:

I  seriously want to know what you have for the Cravers. Do you make them  the All Eating Monster we all know and love, or do you put more depth  into it. 

I'm  terribly interested. Even more...I seriously want to know how old the  Cravers actually are. WE know the Endless created them within the Dust  War right? Than the V. Endless failed to exterminate them. The Craver  Autocrathy seems to be even older than any other Empire in the Endless  Universe....or am I wrong?

Personally I'm interested into their relations with other major factions that do stand a chance of wiping them out.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 1, 2017, 10:14:11 AM
Pluvinage wrote:

Horario as the overseer and album owner seems strange. The overseer knew about the ship, the crew, the pods,  it all feels like he intended to colonise Auriga with them. Horario however seems surprised to meet these folks. He takes advantage of the situation but he wasn't expecting such an opportunity to arise.

There's this popular theory that the overseer is the cristal and the cristal houses a virtual endless that needed to investigate Auriga...

We would always run into this kind of canonical problem with the overseer, considering that starting crew is subject to change, but there of course can only be one team that actually made it. Unless we're looking at separate pods making it into separate dungeons.

I look at it the way I look at Tim Burton's Big Fish: all these stories are true. The minute details might have been distorted or changed a bit, but in the long run, all of this comes together to weave the story.

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7 years ago
Jul 28, 2017, 6:17:19 PM

As for the comic: this is the most hardcore team ever. If we apply the game mechanics here, they survive an entire level by triggering a cristal run on the first turn. That's incredibly amazing.

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7 years ago
Jul 28, 2017, 6:12:53 PM

Horario as the overseer and album owner seems strange. The overseer knew about the ship, the crew, the pods,  it all feels like he intended to colonise Auriga with them. Horario however seems surprised to meet these folks. He takes advantage of the situation but he wasn't expecting such an opportunity to arise.

There's this popular theory that the overseer is the cristal and the cristal houses a virtual endless that needed to investigate Auriga...

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7 years ago
Jul 28, 2017, 8:27:43 AM
Sublustris wrote:

Question: does that makes Horatio original overseer and author of DotE journal?

What do you think?

Kaada wrote:

I seriously want to know what you have for the Cravers. Do you make them the All Eating Monster we all know and love, or do you put more depth into it. 

While it would be interesting to dive headfirst into the gaping maw of Cravers lore, remember that these comics are 8-pages vignettes, so there's only so much exposition we can cram into them before they become lore dumps.

AmadeusReborn wrote:

You guys had this planned all along, didn't you?

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7 years ago
Jul 28, 2017, 3:32:12 AM

So I decided to look into how connected this was. I don't know everything about the endless lore, so sorry if this has been pointed out previously, but...

Fun fact: If you check out the files being downloaded from Auriga's servers here https://youtu.be/sGJuViaIdfA?t=113 in the dungeon of the endless intro (2014), you'll notice there are 3 files we can see being retriebed. "Dry Soil Genome Bioproject", "DNA Multiplicity Invitro(?) Case File", and "Accelerated Recovery Experiment File". Each of these corresponds to faction traits of ES1 Horatio (AridEpigenics/SoilXenobiology, Hero Cloning/Cloning, and + 50% Fatigue Recovery on Hero /- 50% Healing Cost on Hero. ). This seems to point to Horatio being the one downloading the files here, just as indicated in the comic.

You guys had this planned all along, didn't you?

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7 years ago
Jul 28, 2017, 12:42:34 AM

Just red it all.Puh. Horatio is worse than a Craver. I feel a bit sorry for the Vaulters right...always thought they'd survive an so on.

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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 2:07:10 PM

And now the amount of questions about the timeline has just multiplied by 10. You have just confirmed that there is no place for Vaulters in ES2, didn't you? For we know that their precursors were the prisoners and the crew of Success. But that would mean that the Mezari Empire still exists, as Success was launched from Mazen. So many questions....

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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 10:47:48 PM

The comics keep getting better and better, thanks!

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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 9:31:37 PM

I like that Max is as useless here and dies, as he usually does in my DotE runs :D

Question: does that makes Horatio original overseer and author of DotE journal?

And I second Horatio hero DLC request - make it happen! :D

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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 8:54:28 PM

Horatio is probably centuries perhaps thousands of years old so it doesnt neccesarily conflict with the timeline, remember that, he extended his lifespan with tech and the comic mentions that he is just about to create his empire, the population in horatio prime must ve reached the billions by the time the game starts so horatio is probably a couple of centuries old maybe more. 

Anyways excelent comic this and the riftborn one has been my favorites so far im eager to see what are you going to do next i love this extra material! <3 

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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 5:14:33 PM

Fantastic comic once again! Was so happy to see Dungeon of the Endless brought up. 

Any chance for a new Horatio Hero for Dungeon of the Endless? :)

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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 4:36:36 PM

Nice connection with the 2 Endless Universe installments. Personally I hope to see more content between the timelines of Dungeon of the Endless and Endless Legend.

Also this makes me want to go play Dungeon of the Endless again and re-recreate all of the elevator conversations.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 4:10:58 PM
DrTechman42 wrote:

And now the amount of questions about the timeline has just multiplied by 10. You have just confirmed that there is no place for Vaulters in ES2, didn't you? For we know that their precursors were the prisoners and the crew of Success. But that would mean that the Mezari Empire still exists, as Success was launched from Mazen. So many questions....

This comic doesn't give much detail about what actually happens to the rest of the Success' crew, prisoners & miscellaneous passengers. Neither does it state what happens to Gork* & Sara. Horatio is, at best, an unreliable narrator.

You're also forgetting that Horatio is a very, very old individual, who went on a long, long sleeping voyage to a distant corner of the galaxy, before we find him again in this story. This technology, some of which is hinted at in Dungeon of the Endless, allowed Horatio to expand his life beyond what his immense wealth had already allowed him. The timeline in this comic is thus taking place a long, very long time before the other 3, and still fits within the global Endless timeline.

So fret not. Barring something we could have overlooked, all of this is canon, none of this contradicts anything that has been stated explicitly. :)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 27, 2017, 2:17:40 PM
Pluvinage wrote:

Nice tie in to Dungeon of the Endless. I recognised them all immediately on the cover.

But it immedeately annihilates all previous timeline theories. Everything looked so nice and now we have to start from the very beginning. Or this very comic is not canon. Yes, I'm a little panic

Updated 7 years ago.
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