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7 years ago Aug 03,2017, 16:00:00 PM

A busy summer

1 317 Views

Hi all!

We hope you have been enjoying this summer so far, and had the chance to enjoy a nice vacation. On our side, after a quick week of studio shut down, we have resumed our work of game polishing for Endless Space 2! We have taken a closer look at all the issues you faced, especially with the blocking bugs that some of you reported.

The biggest one was the case of some saved games which became corrupted. We have fixed some of the issues, and made this available in the current preview patch, and since then we have also fixed other saved game issues, available in the next patch. But the real issue was a case of memory corruption on large game sessions, happening inside of Unity (the technology which ES2 uses). Unity staff have been very helpful, and they have delivered a special version of Unity fixing the problem. Hopefully, all saved games issues will be fixed with the upcoming patch.

There has also been a lot of effort put on more optimizations, like savegame duration, AI decision-making, as well as on core gameplay execution. This is a touchy subject and it is closely monitored.

There are still some issues on the Mac and we are closely looking at what you have reported. The biggest problem is that none of the issues you reported can be reproduced on the iMac and MacBook Pro that we use to develop the Mac version. Even our QA does not manage to reproduce some specific issue. So it is a tedious work of guessing what is going on (hardware? OS version? Other software?) on problematic machines and fixing it. We may dig deeper and contact some of you to perform some tests.

We have also been working on the smaller issues: text typos, UI irrelevance, incorrect AI behaviors, rare failure cases for quests or silent errors which could cause issues later in the game. Those were not the worst issues, but we want to put all this behind before we move forward on to the next steps of ES2.

In parallel to this polishing activity, we have continued working on the Fighter / Bombers feature, with all the aspects surrounding it: tech tree, quests, modules / slots etc. We still hope to deliver this by the end of the summer. More info on Fighters / Bombers soon! We have also started working on the Ideas you suggested through the Games2Gether, even though we prioritized bug fixing first. I hope we can soon accelerate the development of these excellent suggestions and give you an update on their state ASAP.

Obviously, there is more coming, and as bug fixing involves mostly programmers and some game designers, the artists had more time to work on cool future stuff, after the fighter / bombers have been released. But obviously I will not spoil the surprise just yet.

We plan on delivering a new preview patch next week with all the improvements / bug fixes detailed above, followed quickly by an official release of the patch. Stay tuned!


The Amplitude Team

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 5:26:37 PM

Welcome back. i hope you enjoyed your free time.

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7 years ago
Aug 3, 2017, 6:17:42 PM

Busy summer indeed :)

Nice to be back, keep up the excellent work

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7 years ago
Aug 4, 2017, 8:39:59 AM

Just to be crystal-clear, that week of closure was back in July, we've been hard at it ever since. We are pretty excited to show you some new things soon, though!

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7 years ago
Aug 5, 2017, 6:42:09 AM

Thank you very much for communicating with the community as always and I hope you enjoyed your holiday,  I'm not it's like Dante's inferno in Italy at the moment. Since the latest patch I've had to reduce the graphics  for the battle animations due to serious slowdown which had never appeared before... A hotfix would be greatly appreciated especially due to the aforementioned insane heat as I've kind of given up on it for the time being which I'd have preferred not to have done. Just wanted to let you know. Keep up the good etc etc

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 10, 2017, 2:07:13 PM

Hey Shrike81,

We are getting close. We will keep you posted. Thanks for your patience.


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