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7 years ago Aug 09,2017, 16:01:07 PM

Behind the scenes -- an inside look at The Perfect Plan


Hey everyone,

Last week's comics focused on Horatio, the man, the myth, the sudden but inevitable betrayal, part of an unlikely team of survivors deep under the surface of Auriga. As we've done before, we thought you might be interested in learning more about the backstory and the production side.

Today, we're gonna be showing roughs of... other things!

As we mentioned in the release blog, the Horatio comics you have seen is the second iteration of the Horatio comics, following issues we had when creating the first. This first version isn't the first comics we worked on either, since we had previously worked on a prototype of four pages, focused on the United Empire. Eventually, these prototypes helped us as newcomers to the genre to realize what worked, and especially what didn't. The main takeaway was that we were able to create a better framework for the eventual Horatio comics (along with all others factions).

If we synthesize the issues we ran into and the lessons we learned from the first version of the comics, we get the following: doing a story on Horatio & clones is very difficult, because, of course, they're clones, so you lose track of who's who with such a medium, especially when they come from an assembly line. For the "cloning" aspect to be obvious, you need a lot of clones to be involved. The format being 7 pages, it quickly becomes a hot mess when it's all identical dudes. This is particularly difficult because Horatio is a clever if devious character, and you would need these clones to have some personality of their own, too.

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7 years ago
Aug 9, 2017, 4:44:59 PM

Kinda Rude to kill your own Creation so Horatio can leave the Planet :D I wouldn't trust you with my life ;)

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7 years ago
Aug 10, 2017, 7:35:46 PM

To be fair the horatio vignette is amazing and I'm happy to have witnessed it. I'm glad he got overthrown by his clone that insane nacissitsic short-shighted idiot. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 27, 2017, 8:02:23 AM

Funny as some mistake become evident only when we make it, like de problem of a story full of clones.^^

By the way, the defeat image of Horatio is juste amazing ! Oo

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5 years ago
Apr 9, 2019, 7:14:47 AM

Horatio is the Loki archetype that betrays you and all you can do is shout his name at the top of your lungs


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