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7 years ago Aug 08,2017, 16:01:08 PM

Wanna learn more about Fighters & Bombers?

3 199 Views

Hey everyone,

Last week AmpliMath was mentioning that you'd be hearing about Fighters & Bombers soon, and really, how soon is now? We have released the Game Design Document #15, dedicated to our vision of Fighters & Bombers, and how they can help you restore peace in the galaxy kick your enemy's rear end or enforce peace on your own terms.

Below are some mouth-watering screenshots, and this link you can click right here will take you to the Game Design Document on our forum, where you can share your comments with the rest of the dev team!

Can you tell which F/B belong to which faction?

Reminder: Fighters & Bombers will be joining the game in an upcoming update, by the end of summer! We're psyched!

Copied to clipboard!
7 years ago
Aug 8, 2017, 4:03:13 PM

From top to bottom:

Vodyani, Lumeris, Riftborn, and Sophons.

Good on you for getting this done, Amplitude. Better late than never.

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7 years ago
Aug 8, 2017, 6:49:31 PM


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7 years ago
Aug 9, 2017, 5:39:07 AM
AngelicStorm wrote:

From top to bottom:

Vodyani, Lumeris, Riftborn, and Sophons.

Good on you for getting this done, Amplitude. Better late than never.

Are you sure about the third? could be Horatio, too, if you ask me.

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7 years ago
Aug 9, 2017, 7:44:59 AM

Because of the red exhaust trail I'd bet AngelicStorm is right. Most likely Riftborn fighters...

I agree with the other three as well.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 9, 2017, 8:35:59 AM

Yep, you folks are correct! Although some of these were definitely helped a lot by the fact that a huge ship of the same faction was nearby!

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7 years ago
Aug 10, 2017, 7:00:16 PM

Bonjour les messiours,

can only large ship classes get fighters and bombers ? Are there pirate fighter ships as well ?? Will bombers help me in a planet invasion, maybe they could carry gas bombs like in endless space 1, where you could decide between destroying planet population or structures ???

Oh, and one more thing, I'm german and always wanted to have a french girlfriend so if any french girls out there read this, would you like a date? :)

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7 years ago
Aug 11, 2017, 8:15:12 AM
thiasss wrote:

Bonjour les messiours,

can only large ship classes get fighters and bombers ? Are there pirate fighter ships as well ?? Will bombers help me in a planet invasion, maybe they could carry gas bombs like in endless space 1, where you could decide between destroying planet population or structures ???

Oh, and one more thing, I'm german and always wanted to have a french girlfriend so if any french girls out there read this, would you like a date? :)


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7 years ago
Aug 11, 2017, 7:00:04 PM

I am very glad of that you are so close to the  community. Some of your decisions may not be the right ones, Amplitude,  but you are willing to listen to us and talk to us. That makes me so happy.

And the fighters and bombers is a sweet idea.

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7 years ago
Aug 16, 2017, 9:57:31 AM

I think it's pretty much the same for the entire northern hemisphere: Sep 21st!

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