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7 years ago Aug 16,2017, 14:31:00 PM

Patch 1.0.36 available!

2 081 Views

Hey everyone!

Preview Patch 1.0.36 seems to be working out fairly well for all the players who tried it, so we're pushing it live! With the exception of a couple of issues with transvine and possibly some small other happiness issues, the patch is a significant step up in every regard. We will soon be pushing another preview patch to address the issues discovered with the preview of 1.0.36, but for now, this patch should help everyone stuck with a save game issue, and there are many, many other improvements and fixes for everybody else.

They're too long to post here, so check them out in this thread!

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7 years ago
Aug 16, 2017, 5:06:27 PM

I heard you guys were talking about some bigger changes to Horatio, any words on that? Or are you basically done with them by implementing some law changes?

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7 years ago
Aug 17, 2017, 3:12:02 PM

still find it hard to maintain a steady 60fps on gtx 980 ti :/

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7 years ago
Aug 19, 2017, 10:11:33 AM

I keep having issues with the new version with diplomacy :-( it will show the little green bar on the bottom of the diplomacy panel showing likely to approve the terms of the deal but when I send the computer player the terms they never respond back.

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7 years ago
Aug 23, 2017, 12:55:31 PM

>Overcolonization threshold is lower for all galaxy sizes (from Tiny to Colossal, by increments of 1 system by size from 2 to 8)

How is this change justified or fun in any way? Why did you nerf this so hard. This means you are stuck in a very small space until late game. In my current game i have 13 systems with limit of 12, the new limit is 6. I'm still at tier 3 of empire development. So in current patch player is practically forced to sit on 8-9 systems max until tier 4 on map of the same size that has like dozens of systems, what?

You guys definitely forgot here that one of the X in 4X stays for expand.

As a solution either don't nerf on map size colonization limit so hard (duh) or add more ways to enlarge the limit BEFORE tier 4. Like technologies in each stage of empire development or one-on-empire system improvement.

Currently i rerolled to previous version and gonna play on it. If this change stays as it is i'm off this train.

Updated 7 years ago.
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