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7 years ago Aug 24,2017, 16:26:00 PM

Patch 1.0.37 is live!

1 634 Views

We've just pushed 1.0.37 live, as it solves a couple of pesky issues with 1.0.36. Check it out!

Change log 1.0.37


  • Fixed several ships configuration preventing potential crashes
  • "Starting Planet" faction trait is no longer displayed in the Empire Panel for Custom Factions
  • Transvine system development now correctly gives +2 happiness/pop
  • Fixed luxury Resources deposits not applying their Approval bonus per Population


  • Reduced the Approval bonus per Population of Transvine deposits from +4 to +3

The G2G Balance Mod has been updated too, try it out and let us know what you think of the changes!

DISCLAIMER: Mac players using the mactesting branch should stick with it for now, as the 1.0.37 doesn't currently include the tentative fix. We're still taking feedback on it over in this thread on whether the fix works for your machine, so please drop us a line!

That's it!

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7 years ago
Aug 24, 2017, 9:19:40 PM

There was a bug that I didn't see mentioned in 1.36 nor here - did it ever get taken care of - were you guys even aware of it?

If - when playing the Unfallen - you capture / conquer a world of an enemy - but cannot immediately root it (it's 2-over and not 1-over from your existing roots network), then it goes into a kind of fugue state where it is not part of the old empire anymore - nor is it part of your Unfallen empire - and its buildings are still there along with the population - but it is under nobody's control.

If you later build out your vines network so that it *could* be rooted - nothing happens.

If you then send a vine ship - and go through the slow process of extending your vines to that system - it is part of your network during the phase immediately before your actual turn.  At the start of your actual turn, it reverts to that fugue state of nobody owns it, and it is not part of your vines.

There is no way I know of to get past this limitation.  You cannot reconquer it - and you cannot vine it - so... ?

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7 years ago
Aug 24, 2017, 10:44:17 PM

I thought that the G2G balance mod was already integrated into 1.0.36 amd by reason, 1.0.37 as well.  Is that not the case?

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7 years ago
Aug 25, 2017, 2:39:47 PM

It's great to see another update. Sadly, I've little time to play/test atm. However, "little" doesn't mean none at all. ^^

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7 years ago
Aug 28, 2017, 8:39:06 AM
mustang05tim wrote:

I thought that the G2G balance mod was already integrated into 1.0.36 amd by reason, 1.0.37 as well.  Is that not the case?

Changes from the previous iteration of the Balance mod were integrated. A new version of the Balance mod is now available for testing.

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