Hey everyone,
Last week's comics focused on the Cravers, half insect, half machine, half monster, 150% terrifying, as seen through the eyes of a band of raiders . As we've done before, we thought you might be interested in learning more about the backstory and the production side.
Early sketch of the pirates
Our motley crew of pirates was an idea that stuck from the beginning: we had done multicultural groups before, but this was the chance to show some of the minor factions we hadn't shown before in the comics, and get them a little bit of screen time. Amusingly, the canon height of a Gnashast is much shorter, with them being a little over a meter. This one? Well, it seems to have lived through quite a few engagements, so being freakishly big for a member of his species didn't denote with the "band of outcasts" feel we were going for.
Interesting fact about our artist on this comic, Yoon Seong Park: he does not speak English! Therefore, all preparatory material were made in French, with Arkel providing ad hoc translation to make sure the story was understood by everyone. Therefore, the material you'll see below will be in French. For those of you who understand it, see if you can spot the differences in the scenario! For everyone else, there are two big differences between this page and the final comic. Which ones? Answer after the break!
Ces mecs-là sont des sorciers qui viennent de la Lune
Did you see it? It's fairly easy to spot if you watched our Endless Space Stories stream last week: There's a second Craver drone! The original story featured two drones, which made the ensuing fight scene a lot more difficult to parse, with a complete slaughter happening in just under two pages. It was much easier to make it a binary situation: the one Craver drone against everyone else...
The second element you may have noticed is that the boy looks like a teen or pre-teen, as opposed to the role he was playing, that of a young boy on his first raid. Compare and contrast the earliest concept with the final cover:
Striking difference, isn't it?
That's it for today! We hope you enjoyed getting a little peek behind the scenes. Next comic will be coming in two weeks, and that story is pure genius...