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7 years ago Nov 20,2017, 16:11:58 PM

Endless Space 2 Community Challenge - Just a few hours to go!

2 872 Views

Hey everyone,

It looks like the Community Challenge was hugely successful this week-end! Thanks to all of you for getting the word out about Endless Space 2, and inviting countless family members, friends and enemies to try out the game for free! We have greatly appreciated the help from those of you who left a review of Endless Space 2, and we're happy to say that Galactic Statecraft caused a huge bump in Endless Space 2's recent reviews score, proof if needed that the update is just as good as we hoped it would be! Your efforts have unlocked the first five tiers of rewards, as shown below:

You may have seen however that we're yet to unlock the final reward of the Community Challenge: the Mezari fleet skin for the United Empire! This fleet skin would work similarly to the Cravers Prime fleet skin for Founders (players who purchased the game in Early Access), and it looks rad as hell. Check out what it would look like below:

Wouldn't that be a great addition to your game? We think so too. To help unlock it, make sure you launch Endless Space 2 at least once before tonight, 7PM CET, end date of the Free Weekend and the 50% off promotion! Everybody's counting on you!

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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 10:00:01 AM
SoberMansSecret wrote:

Well done to all! It was a push but we pulled it off in the end. 

Yeah! To infinity and beyond!

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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 1:48:33 PM

As much as I'm glad to get all the free goodies, I think that counter was rigged as hell and we would unlock everything in any case :P

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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 2:18:09 PM
Sublustris wrote:

As much as I'm glad to get all the free goodies, I think that counter was rigged as hell and we would unlock everything in any case :P

*Puts thin foil hat*

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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 4:06:33 PM
Ashbery76 wrote:

I hope the UE fleets get the Mez skin if they choose it in the quest.

That's not a bad idea... changing skins based on your quest path.

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7 years ago
Nov 22, 2017, 12:04:43 AM
Mokinokaro wrote:
bluesky300 wrote:

i didn't purchased the game in Early Access,that is my fault because I didn't expect the game would be so awesome. Can i have any chance to get the Cravers Prime fleet skin in later update?

The Early Access skins for Endless Legend were given away to all users at the one year anniversary of release iirc.   You'll likely get them eventually.

i'm really looking forward to it, and thank you for your reply :)

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5 years ago
Feb 3, 2020, 1:10:09 AM

How do I get this update to work? I linked my steam account and I cn't access the swarm missles or  the railguns. Please don't tell me I have to wait a whole nother year to 

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7 years ago
Nov 20, 2017, 4:27:45 PM


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7 years ago
Nov 20, 2017, 5:20:17 PM
Draewyn wrote:

I hope we'll reach it before the end. We're so close !

Gods I know im desperate to see it happen

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7 years ago
Nov 20, 2017, 5:33:03 PM
CyRob wrote:

Why does the Community Challenge End 3 hours before the Free Weekend Ends?

(Free Weekend Ends 21:00:00 UTC, Community Challenge Ends 18:00:00 UTC)

Edit: It's Now Running till 9PM UTC/GMT

wait so now its lasting til 9 pm

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7 years ago
Nov 20, 2017, 5:36:11 PM
Christian06 wrote:

Hello if i buy endless space 2 Digital Deluxe Edition do i miss out in anything?? skins,content?

The Digital Deluxe Edition gives:

Official Digital Soundtrack

All Endless Space 2 tracks created by FlybyNo in mp3 format.

Pathfinder Hero Ships’ Skin (Cosmetic)

Adds a selectable alternate “Pathfinder” skin set for all hero spaceships.

Pathfinder Academy Heroes (Cosmetic)

Adds “Brunem Berto-Lancellum” and “Kinete Muldaur” to the hero cast of the game.

The Only thing missing is the Craver prime skin which was only available if bought during early access.

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